The swordsman said to Angelet and Tianlingru, come with me, let me tell you the truth of this world.

As he said that, the Scar Swordsman split open the door in front of him with a sword, and a long corridor appeared. Angelet and Tianling Ruler were taken aback, and quickly followed the Scar Swordsman.

The Scar Swordsman held the long sword and led the two to the end of Yongdao, and saw the mysterious moon. This moon was not "One Five Three" Angelet and Tianling Ruler, it was a real moon as they thought.

It's an elf with wings, but this elf is just a girl.

Seeing the angel Angelet and Tianling Ruler in front of them, they still didn't believe it and said to Scar Swordsman, is this the moon in the world of Tengu?

Scar Swordsman looked at the elf and remained silent, but the elf said, yes, I am the moon of the Tengu world, what do you two want me for?

Looking at the moon, I couldn't help sighing, the Creator is amazing, the moon is actually a creature, and it looks like a human being.

This poison has amazed Angelet and Tianling Chi. After seeing this elf and listening to what the elf said, Angelet hurriedly said, we are here to find you, and it is because of your disappearance that the dogs in the Tengu world You're all going berserk, hurry back to where you should be.

Wouldn't it be nice to make this world peaceful and peaceful?

After hearing Angelet's words, the elf fell into silence instead.

At this time, the Scar Swordsman said, do you think the elf would like to see the Tengu world so chaotic and play chess? You know what you are just forcing a kind person, what you are doing now.

Scar Swordsman was about to continue, but the elf stopped him.

Then the little fairy said, it's not that I don't want to go out, it's just that once I go out, I will hang in the sky forever and never come back. I will repeat the same work day after day in the sky forever, such eternal loneliness It was really tough for me.

After hearing what the elf said, Angelet realized at this time that once the little elf returns to the sky as the moon, it can no longer fall down, and will shine on the sky forever to illuminate the world.

At this time, the four of them fell into silence, and it was Tian Lingru who spoke, and Tian Lingru said to the elf, "If this is the case, is there no way to have the best of both worlds? Let you live freely, and Don't let the whole Tengu world fall into chaos, let the creatures in the Tengu world continue to kill each other.....

Scar Swordsman is talking sarcasticly at this time, do you think this is a child's play?

Is there any way to get the best of both worlds? If there is a way to get the best of both worlds, am I still here to protect the little elf?

Afterwards, the scar piece told Ge Lie and Guotian Lingchi that the dogs in the Tengu world certainly knew that the elf was hiding here, but they dared not come because of the scar swordsman guarding the elf.

And Angelet and Tian 4.2 Spirit Ruler were not the ones who entered the world of Tengu, so they were sent to find the elf.

Angelet didn't know what to say after hearing Scar Swordsman's cross.

On the one hand, he hopes to restore peace and harmony to the Tengu world, and on the other hand, he is unwilling to deprive the elves of their freedom, but is there really no way to have the best of both worlds?

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