After a long wait, the Mother of Joy finally came out of her castle.

Angelet and Tian Lingrui saw that the Mother of Joy had finally come out, and hurried up to ask if the Sword of Light had been forged? The Mother of Joy didn't speak, and stretched out her hands with a smile. small sword.

In the hands of the Mother of Joy, Tian Ling only saw this rare sword, and the two of them directly entered the twilight of the Sword of Light. What this sword of light condenses is the most righteous in the universe

Brightest, greatest power.

It is the best weapon of attack against all vile and unscrupulous people.

After seeing the sword, Angelet and Tian Lingrui both smiled.

It was this sword that they believed would be able to defeat Dalia, the Lord of Darkness.

Both Angelet and Tianlingchi understood that they would definitely win the final victory.

This sword of light is their magic weapon for victory. At this time, the Sword of Light burst out with incomparable brilliance. There were too many paintings of the Sword of Light. A white child saw the child Angelet and Tianlingshi and named the child Xiaobai.

They hope that this child will be as white and full of light and justice as the name they chose~.

The child Xiaobai said to Ganglie and Tianlingzhi, I know the meaning of you two creating me, I will fulfill it well, I will use it well, where can we find it now?

Dariana, the Lord of Darkness, must be defeated and destroyed. Only in this way can we make this universe better.

After hearing Xiaobai's words, both Angelet and Tianlingchi couldn't help being extremely shocked. They didn't expect this newly created creature to be such a backbone.

At this time, the Mother of Joy said that you should leave quickly. I had a premonition that the Dark Lord's subordinates would be coming soon, and Angelet was very puzzled.

If we leave, how can you alone resist the King of Darkness? The mother of joy said that although you can't stop the King of Darkness yourself, the two of you can't stop the current Sword of Light, who is still young.

You have to let him grow up and mature to be able to defeat the Lord of Darkness, it is unwise to let him stay here, as long as they finally defeat the Lord of Darkness.

0...asking for flowers...

Mother of Joy and other universes still have a chance of resurrection, but if they fail now, then it is truly doomed.

Hearing what Joy said, Houshan Gelie and Tiantianchi finally understood, and finally they chose to leave.


Sword of Light is extremely reluctant to let go of such a big joy, after all, he grew out of a body like joy, and he has already regarded the mother of flowers as his own mother.

But there is no way, if he doesn't leave now, and wait until the Lord of Darkness's men come, then it will be the real death of darkness.

The strength of the light holding the hand of the tomb of joy is different. Song Lie and Tian Lingchi saw that there was no way to do it, so they had to hold the light realm tightly with both hands.

After pulling away the realm of light, they waved to the mother of joy, and the two left with the sword of light. They will embark on a new journey in the universe of the mother of joy.

This journey seems good but not bad, and no one knows what the consequences of this journey will be. .

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