Angelet and Sword Spirit Ruler instantly felt the powerful Wia coming from the mysterious man. This force almost made Angelet unable to stand, the strong pressure pressed him, Angelet used all the strength of his body to resist, stubbornly holding on, there were already many beads of sweat on his face, struggling to hold on It made his face become extraordinarily pale. The Sword Spirit Ruler was not much better either. Only the Little Bright Sword, because it has reached the level of immortality, coupled with its own particularity, can still last a few times.

"Who are you, and why are you following us?" Angelet felt that he could not hold on any longer, so he quickly asked the mysterious 05 man in black robe in front of him.

"Your Excellency has never done anything to us after following us all this way. Presumably Your Excellency will not embarrass us." Thinking about the ability displayed by this mysterious person at this time, if he wanted to kill them, he should have done it long ago. It's not like this, it won't just keep doing nothing, that's why Angelet said that.

After hearing what Angelet said, the mysterious man really lifted the pressure on them, and the three of them immediately felt a sigh of relief. Angelet let out a long breath, the moment just spent was really thrilling. Egypt's back is now wet with sweat.

After moving his stiff limbs, Angelet looked at the mysterious man in black robe in front of him.

The big black hood tightly covered the face, and the long robe was dragged to the ground, covering himself so tightly that he couldn't see anything clearly.

Angelet cleared her throat, coughed twice, "cough cough"

"I don't know, Your Excellency, why are you following us?" Angelet asked, looking at the mysterious man in black robe who couldn't see anything in front of him.

"Now someone is going to kill you from behind, you know?" A rough voice that seemed to swallow several catties of sand came from under the black robe. The voice was low, but very hoarse, making it uncomfortable to hear, as if irritating the eardrum with a knife.

Hearing what the black-robed man said, Angelet paused. Thinking of the arrest warrants and pursuit before, he couldn't help feeling scared for a while. He didn't know why, but he didn't understand why someone wanted to kill him. I have never offended anyone. Some people came to a new continent and didn't know a few people, and suddenly a few people jumped out of nowhere and wanted to kill themselves. I have been running for my life along the way, and I am already very tired.

Hearing what the man in black robe said, Angelet felt a little strange,

"There are indeed people chasing and killing me along the way. I have always been puzzled. I obviously didn't provoke anyone, but someone kept trying to kill me. Just now, you mentioned this 800. Could it be that... Do you know what?"

I hope the man in black can give himself a clear answer. After speaking, Angelet stared at the person in front of him, hoping for this.

"Actually..." The black-robed man was about to speak when he suddenly turned around and looked behind, as if someone was there.

Angelet saw him looking behind, couldn't help being a little curious, and followed his line of sight, but didn't see anything. Just when he was a bit puzzled, the man in black robe said, "This place is not a place to talk, they may catch up at any time, let's talk in another place first." 17


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