With these questions in mind, Angelet embarked on the path of swordsman training again. One day, Angelet will be the King of Light!

Angelet finally came to a magnificent palace with two huge stone statues of hellhounds.

The Hellhound has three dog heads, which are grinning and terrifying.


The two stone statues were revived instantly, revealing their real muscles. Two hellhounds looked at Angelet ferociously.

"This is the owner's territory, hurry up!"

"A dog will never be a slave!"

Hellhound yelled, very malicious towards Angelet. 05

The Hellhound's fighting power is very high, and an invisible coercion descends from the sky! This momentum is even more terrifying than the mysterious man just now!

Holding the bright sword, Angelet suddenly picked up a branch on the ground and whistled.

"Puppy dog, I've seen it."

Angelet yelled as he decided to outwit. One roar from two hellhounds, and we will not give in. But then, their eyes sparkled, although they still roared dully.

Angelet smiled wittily and threw the branch into the distance. Two hellhounds ran over immediately, picked up the branch and claimed credit for Angelet's owner.

The Hellhound wagged its tail, stuck out its tongue, and looked at Angelet's master expectantly. It was vicious just now, but now it is as docile as a puppy.

Angelet took the branch that the dog had bitten back and continued to wave it. The two hellhounds immediately wagged their tails and looked at their owner Angelet expectantly.

Angelet threw the branch farther away, and two hellhounds ran to pick it up again. They bit the branches, wagged their tails, and continued to claim credit for Angelet.

"look here!"

cried Angelet, picking up a stick. The two hellhounds looked forward to it even more, and they purred as they looked at Angelet.

Angelet used her magic power to throw the stick far away. The two hellhounds immediately chased after each other and ran over without a trace.

Angelet pushed open the gate of the palace more than ten feet high, and was shocked immediately after entering. It is resplendent and golden here. In the distance directly in front of the palace, a huge stone statue of a flying dragon emits golden light.

From here, it doesn’t look like the habitat of Dalia, the Lord of Darkness! On the contrary, there is an illusion that this place is from the light.

Angelet was still amazed, the stone dragon statue moved!

The flying dragon stone statue glowed red, and then transformed into a huge shadow flying dragon.

The shadow flying dragon continued to clone again, turning into more than a dozen shadow flying dragons!

"Angelet, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

On the Shadow Flying Dragon, a middle-aged man in a white windbreaker shouted.

"But it's a pity that this is just a clone of me. The real me is already in another place, reaching my goal."

Dalia, the Lord of Darkness, let out a burst of laughter, Angelet, don't you want to save the world?

That middle-aged man in a white windbreaker is none other than Dalia, the Lord of Darkness. However, he changed his appearance.

Angelet knew she had been tricked, so she turned around and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, those two hell dogs are back!

Angelet immediately took an old wand displayed on the wall, and waved it at the two hellhounds.

"This trick, don't lie to us again. Angelet, the young man who saved the world."

Turn around at both ends and immediately enter the palace. Obviously, they confidently believed that the Dark Lord defeated Angelet. .

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