Angelet and Smith Grew slept soundly until dawn.

The next day, the sun shone in from outside the curtains, and when it really shone brightly, they woke up from their sweet dreams.

"Good morning, my friend, it's been a long time, and we can hug and sleep like this." Angelet said to him.

"Yeah, we haven't slept like this for a long time, but I'm very happy that we can have breakfast together." Smith Grew said to him.

"Okay, I'll let my servant go down and prepare a hearty breakfast." Angelet said to him.

"Yes, let's enjoy a sunny garden-like breakfast together." Gru said to him.

"Okay, look, the sun is so good today, we can really enjoy the sunny garden-like breakfast before we decide to go to Mrs. Angelet's house for a challenge. After all, his home is very close, across this long You can get there by walking through the winding river." Angelet said to him.

"Yes, so, let's enjoy our breakfast in peace today." Gru said to Angelet.

"Okay, okay, tomato juice? Beef brisket? With a few pieces of baked potatoes?! Or mashed potatoes?!" Angelet asked~ looking at Gru.

"I prefer tomato sauce with mashed potatoes. Of course, it would be better if there is beef brisket poured with tomato." Grue said to Angelet.

"Yes, if we can better let our breakfast enjoy the sun bathing in the garden, and then we can really listen to the birds singing and breathe the fresh air, it will really be very sunny and beautiful." Angelet couldn't help but began to look forward to her own breakfast.

"So breakfast is so worth looking forward to?!" Gru said to him.

“Yes, breakfast is one of the fun and enjoyable things in life, so we should really take it seriously, otherwise life would be pretty boring.” #Angelet to Gru.

"This kind of fun can only be truly felt by your highness, and you can feel it with your friends." Gru couldn't help but said to Angelet.

0…ask for flowers………

"Yeah, because food is really not something that can be used to live up to. Although it is very simple, if someone is willing to make it for you, or if you are willing to do it yourself, it is also a very good thing." Angelet said to Gru .

"Okay, then we can try to enjoy this kind of breakfast together." Gru said seriously.


"It turns out that you want to seriously try such a breakfast method yourself, but you didn't say it earlier, I guess my servant should have prepared breakfast for us

So, we just have to enjoy it. ’ said Angelet there.

"It doesn't matter, my Highness Angelet, we just need to enjoy breakfast happily together." Gru bowed deeply to Angelet, and then said very gentlemanly.

"Well, then I'll let them put flowers and tablecloths, and enjoy a romantic breakfast in the garden that really makes us happy. "How?!" Angelet asked death. .

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