Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 450 Are You Going Back To The Family?

So for Angelet and Gru, this is a unique challenge.

Because family time and space is actually the most unequal challenge rule in the fighting arena challenge.

But in the fighting arena challenge, there is a customary rule that the challenged party can formulate a rule.

This rule can really be made by the challenged party at will.

Of course, this is a rule that cannot be written in "897".

But Angelet and Gru don't care much about this kind of rules, because the purpose of their own departure is to allow themselves to grow in different rules.

After all, it is only by the rules that you can truly limit yourself, and you can really win the game under the restricted conditions, then it is the embodiment of true strength.

So Angelet and Gru didn't care too much about the rule.

Of course, Angelet didn't intend to let Gru play, because this is his own battlefield.

He just wanted Gru to stand behind him and help him record his battlefield.

Therefore, when Angelet entered Angelov's house, he was already communicating with Gru.

"Gru, I know that you must really want to fight side by side with me, but this is my own battlefield, because the Anglove family is really my own battlefield, I believe, you will understand." Angelet said to Gru.

"Yes, my friend, I understand what you mean, because you are really suitable to challenge various rules on the battlefield of Anglove's house, because these rules are really a real challenge to you." Restraint, but for me, it may be the opposite, and it will also play some real protective role, but it doesn't matter, because this is your battlefield." Gru said to Angelet.

"Well, I hope you can understand my decision." Angelet said to Gru.

"Of course I respect your decision, because this is really a very interesting feast, and I really want to participate in this feast, and by the way, I will show off my muscles that have just been built by time." Gru was there talking.

"If you really want to show your muscles, then you need to go back to your family, but are you really sure you want to go back to your family? If you are really sure you want to go back to your family, then , I will not challenge the Anglove family today, then I will challenge the next family instead, and let you challenge the Anglove family by yourself.”

Said to Gru.

"But don't you want to go back to your family? Your family is also a real family." Gru asked.

"No, I don't want to, because I'm here to challenge them." Angelet said.

"Well, I don't want to either, because I want to live freely, and I want to do some things in my own way, such as traveling around the world with you, or fighting tours like this." Gru said to Angelet said.

"Fighting tour is a very interesting thing. I am very glad that you are by my side in 4.6, my old friend." Angelet said to Gru.

"It turns out that you really think so. In my opinion, this is also a very interesting thing!" Gru said.

"Then let us fight side by side, and choose to support each other in the family that should be shot." Angelet said.

"Okay, of course it is possible, because we are true friends." Grew said. .

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