Angelet's words made the Demon King unhappy. Originally, the Demon King thought that he would have to use some means to accomplish these things, but Angelet said this as if he was despicable, but the Demon King didn't want to admit it. With Angelet.

"Why bind me with these words. The real duel has not yet begun."

Right now, there are already many people watching the arena here. They have circled the arena in a big circle, and they are all sitting and watching "693" fighting with them, but the few people on the stage have been stalemate, without any major movements.

And Angelet also felt annoyed at this time, because from the beginning to the end, these people didn't deal with these matters seriously, but were laughing and playing. At this time, these people jumped out again, and said to Angelet, "Aren't you just a little bit capable? You still want to defeat the devil, and you have to do this with us. It's very difficult."

Angelet thought it was very funny, and asked, "Then what's the point of you brothers beating around me? And you haven't respected the devil, you just want to get honor, because you haven't stood by the devil's side until now." , but around the side, what is the difference with those audiences?"

Angelet's words caught the Devil King's attention. The Devil King seemed to want to laugh and looked at those helpers with dissatisfaction. Is this how you are being laughed at by them?

Angelet also asked, looking at the Demon King with some mockery.

Angelet knew that it would be shameful for her power to lose to others, but if she asks for help but doesn't help, isn't that a joke?

Those helpers got excited when they heard it, and looked at Angelet sneeringly, "We didn't feel that we should respect you, although we didn't stand beside the devil, but we would always stand in front of him in a fight. Learn."

Angelet rolled his eyes in a very speechless manner, and asked: "What do you want to testify? Based on your own words? Why didn't you come here during the fight just now? Now that the demon king has been beaten to death, you have come here. Is it considered helping? I think you just haven’t put your heart into it.”

Angelet didn't want to educate these people at first, but felt that their posture watching the theater was too annoying.

And these so-called helpers changed their faces after hearing this, and glared at Angelet flushed with anger, "It's just to win you, what can't be done, don't you know how to do exercises?" Is it? We will too..."

The devil's gaze was a bit sharp. Looking at Violet, his tone was very sharp, as if he wanted to prove something. What the devil said was: "Villet, what do you want? What are the helpers you have invited? You bastard, you may not be able to beat him at this point, and I said to ask someone for help, isn't this shooting yourself in the foot?"

Violet was also speechless. It is true that she invited these helpers, but she didn't invite them in place, "It's my fault, but you didn't say what kind of exercises you wanted at the time, so I just invited a few to see them." Dressed in a strong body, I didn't expect you to feel bad 1.0, the devil, so I apologize to you."

Willet wanted to apologize but was rejected by the Demon King, who was full of embarrassment, "I don't think there is any need to talk about this kind of thing. You don't even want to call someone nice, so there is no need to talk about it. After all, people have already come, and fighting it has started."

The Demon King didn't mean to blame Violet, he just thought it was bad luck.


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