Angelet had nothing to say when she heard this. If the Demon King really helped her, then it would make sense for Violet to stand up and speak to the Demon King, but it seemed like it was too hasty.

If Violet is entrusted to the devil, there will be a big problem, "The devil is a devil." Angelet didn't want to say any more, but kindly reminded Violet, "You should choose a lover, don't go too far with the devil. It's getting closer, it's hard for him to make big things like that, and there won't be too good results between you, and now you can only try to solve some things, and then achieve your goals, so that you can hope to move towards a better mutual."

Angelet's words sound a bit general, but what he said is the truth, because Angelet knows that basic survival is important in such a continental environment, but if you don't win the fight and die on the battlefield, it doesn't matter much Is widowhood dangerous?

But Violet didn't think so, she thought the Demon King was still very powerful.

Because the Demon King has done a lot of things now, Violet felt that the Demon King was able to challenge Angelet because he mustered up his courage, so it was also advisable to a certain extent.

Angelet didn't have any objections, but felt that it was too easy for Violet to think like this.

"But Violet, have you ever thought about the future? If you really walk with the devil, but he can't bring you what you want, will you still choose to be with him?" "?"

The question Angelet asked touched Violet's heart. Although Violet didn't think about it now, it seemed to be a very important point.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at the Demon King, what was he talking about with those helpers all the time?

The Demon King didn't look this way from the beginning to the end. At this time, the Demon King was very angry and shouted that the helpers turned out to be some bastards, and Violet was not reliable. The Demon King couldn't help complaining to the helpers, "Why did I ask you to come? Huh? Can you guys beat Angelet? Isn't this just trying to get me in the way, if you can't beat me, what's the point?"

The helpers were not convinced after hearing this, "It's not that you paid me to come here, and now you don't want me to come, what's the point? Angelet is so powerful, you should hire someone who is even more powerful. Don’t work hard? Can you blame us if you don’t hire someone more powerful?”

These people are also reasonable, not to say they are arrogant, but they feel that the devil's act of asking for help is a bit shameful. These helpers know that this is the venue for the competition, so they dare not act rashly, but since they are here, they will definitely not Go down casually, just feel that this matter is difficult to do.

The devil became more and more angry, the people he paid for were so incompetent, so should he be blamed?" `w Then what do you mean by saying this? Angelet can't beat you, what's the use of you? It's a rice bucket!"

These people were not happy to hear it, "What do you mean we are idiots? Isn't that someone you can't beat yourself, and you call it a helper? What's the use of blaming us now, you should fight Angelet."

The Demon King (of Nuo Zhao) was so angry that his face turned blue-black, and it seemed that he was going to get angry in the next second, so he roared angrily, "If you can't do it, don't come, weigh it first. Weighing your own strength, what's the use of crying to me now, you deserve to be beaten down by Angelet.

This group of people was speechless immediately. I didn't expect the Demon King to be so unreasonable. He said that they couldn't do it and came again. Isn't that because they can do it, and now they say no, isn't that going back on their word?

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