Angelet and Violet looked at each other, nodded and then followed the old man.

Soon the old man led them through a small path, and almost every house was lit with lights, but the lights were very weak, and it was already late. When we came here during the day, there were very few people in the town, and they were actually still outside. Fewer people walk.

Coupled with the faint lights in those houses, the atmosphere of this small town looks even more eerie...

"Excuse me, how far is it?"

Violet was a little worried, so she asked the old man leading the way ahead.

"It's coming soon, Miss, don't worry."

The old man never looked back, but just walked ahead, talking as he walked.

But Violet felt that something was wrong, so she gently pushed Angelet next to her.

"Why don't we go, I always feel that there is something strange," I feel that the place where the old man took them is getting more and more remote, how is this like looking for a place to stay?

It feels like they've been scammed...  

"But there is no other place to stay tonight, why not trust him for a while."

Angelet believes that even if the old man is a liar, it is okay to find a way to get out of the scam when the time comes.

But in case this old man is not a liar, if he doesn't go now, wouldn't he miss the opportunity to rest tonight?

There was no way, because I had agreed to Angelet before, and I would obey his arrangements for the rest of the journey, so Willett didn't say anything more. After all, Angelet had already said it, so I followed the old man first.

Finally, I don't know how long and how far I walked, and finally came to a big courtyard.

Like other houses, the lights in this large yard are also very weak.

What a weak light it is, that is the feeling that there is no way to live normally under this kind of light.

Because this light is simply not enough to illuminate the range to be seen.

"It's here," the old man stopped and pointed to the big yard in front of him and told them.

After finishing speaking, the old man took out two signs from his pocket and handed them to both of them, "Take this and you can go in and stay."

"But... won't you go in with us?"

0…ask for flowers…………

Perhaps this old man can be regarded as looking for guests for this place, but since this old man brought them here, why didn't this old man lead them in together to prove that they were his guests? ?

Is it enough to just use these two brands?

"No need, you can go in and stay with the sign."


The old man said again.

Angelet thought it was strange, but he didn't say anything. He held the sign in his hand, and then patted Violet lightly, telling her not to think too much.

After all, I don't know the truth yet, thinking too much will only scare myself.

"Okay," Angelet nodded.

Then the two saw the old man, turned around and left the big yard and walked farther and farther...

"Are we really going to live here tonight?" Violet looked at Angelet worriedly.

It's not that she is suspicious, but that this place really looks very suspicious!

"Let's go in and have a look before we talk," Angelet didn't answer her directly, but chose to step into the gate of the big courtyard after he finished speaking. .

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