Walking to the counter, he found a big box inside the counter. Angelet looked down at the sign he was holding in his hand, and then at the things in the box, and found that the things in those boxes were the same as his own. The brand in my hand is exactly the same material, but there is a difference in style.

"It seems that this sign is going to be taken away from them. It should mean that after taking it away, it means staying at their place?"

After looking around for a week, there was no one in the room, so Angelet reached out and knocked moderately on the counter, "Is there anyone?"

"Excuse me, is there anyone here at 05?"

"Excuse me, is anyone here?"

I asked several times, but I didn't get any response. People walked by from time to time in the corridor upstairs, and they could be seen downstairs from here. However, those people upstairs seemed to be unable to see them downstairs at all. For them The shouts downstairs have been ignored all the time.

"Is anyone here?" Violet also yelled for a while, but still didn't get any response.

"Mr. Angelet, what should we do now?"

She looked at Angelet anxiously, desperately hoping that now Angelet could think of a way.

"Let's wait a little longer. If we still can't wait, let's go upstairs and have a look." After all, they have been shouting here for so long, and no one came to pick them up, so they can only go upstairs to have a look. See, it's really not their fault, right?

"Yeah." Violet nodded.

But they didn't wait for what Angelet said, and then they went upstairs by themselves, because after a short wait, a person in an apron came to the counter.

"How did you come here?"

But the first sentence of the person wearing the apron left Angelet and Violet stunned.

What does it mean?

What do you mean, how did they get here?

Does this person know them?

The first thing Angelet and Violet thought of was this group of people who knew each other, so they both turned their heads to look at each other.

Then they shook their heads again.

"Don't you know him?" Angelet asked Violet suspiciously.

"I don't know you," Violet shook her head, I thought I knew you!"

During the communication between people, the person in the apron behind the counter got impatient, picked up a wooden brush next to him, and knocked heavily on the counter, "What the hell are you talking about? Hurry up and get to work! "

"Working?" Violet looked surprised, "What are you talking about?"

Angelet didn't understand either, did this person really know them?

"If you don't go to work, there will be no food tonight!"

"We don't understand what you are talking about, we are here to stay, not like you said, we are not here to work!"

The attitude of the other party was too tough, and Violet's tone was not good, "If you want to continue like this, then we will leave!"

"Go? Do you want to leave your soul here forever as a coolie?"

When Violet turned around and just heard the person at the counter say these words, she suddenly stopped her steps again.

"What do you mean?" He turned to look at the person standing at the counter.

"What, pretending to be stupid?

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