"It seems that you know the rules here quite well, and you actually know that we can't leave this floor, so I need your help now, of course I can't leave by myself, if you help me, I can leave up!"

"Okay," the man finally nodded, "Then how can I let you go with me?"

"I'll find a way to leave this floor, you just need to take me on board." Anyway, as long as you get on that boat, you can leave this place.

Of course, he will never forget what he promised. He will definitely help this person realize his unfulfilled wish in this world.

The man sat down and rested for a long time because he was full of food and drink. Today's work for Angelet and Violet is to wait until the guest in this room has left. So, if the man hasn't left yet, their work for today is also gone. End.

But in order not to delay, wait a while to get on that ship with this man, so now they can't go to other places, and have to wait here until he leaves.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the building is getting more and more lively.

It seems that the more lively the night is, the brighter the moon, the happier the people here will be.

To be precise, the souls here should be happier.

Of course, in the process of being happy, they will become less and less able to remember their original names and what is the wish they want to fulfill in this world. They just come to this store day after day, day after day. Another day here, to get what they want for a while, and then let this store get benefits, just like this day after day, until they permanently forget what their desire among people is, until they can never do anything dead...

Angelet dare not say how bad the person who runs this store is, but he can say with certainty that he is definitely not a good person!

After midnight, it is naturally (afed) close to dawn, and when it is almost dawn, the souls who came here should be leaving this place soon.

Wait until the next night and then come.

Angelet and Violet must seize this opportunity now, or they can only leave when they come again next time.

At this moment, the lively sound gradually dissipated, and the guests in one room after another came out of it, preparing to board the boat and leave.

"Wait for me when you get downstairs, I have to find a way to get out of this floor first."

Angelet said to the man.

"Okay," the man nodded, and then ticked today's date in the grid drawn on a sign hanging on the wall in the room.

It means that he is the guest of this room today, the person working in this room has completed his work, and has been praised by the guest, which means that the guest is very satisfied with his work today.

Then Angelet took Violet to Lisa Mina.

"Our work is done, may we rest now?"

Angelet asked Lisa Mina.

"Of course, your work today is finished, so of course you can rest." Lisa Mina nodded, indicating that they can indeed go to rest now.

It's just that Lisa Mina didn't know what Ange was thinking at this moment. .

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