After Angelet finished speaking, she turned around and ran out with Violet.

Before Violet could react, what happened, she was dragged away by Angelet!

"What are you doing! You'll regret it!"

Looking at the backs of those two who ran to the boat, I was almost out of breath.

But Angelet and Violet, how can they control so much at this time?

No regrets, no regrets, leave this place first!

"I have taken you on board as you said, and now you have to find out for me what my unfulfilled wish is like what you said before, and help me fulfill this wish, and tell me my name!"

"Okay," Angelet nodded and agreed. Of course, even if this person didn't remind him, he would definitely remember this matter. After all, how could he just forget what he promised.

"Where is this ship going?"

At first, he just thought about getting on the ship and leaving that building, but after all, they had signed a contract with Rich Ford Lang. If the contract is not canceled, they will definitely go back in the end. It might be so easy to leave.

So now it's time to find out where the ship is going.

"Don't you know where this ship came from?"

The man was a little shocked by Angelet's words.

"Don't we know where this ship came from? Is this some strange thing?"

Violet was also curious, they didn't know anything about this place, why did this person think they should know?

"Since you are on this ship, you shouldn't know where this ship is going and where it is coming from. If you don't even know the most basic information, then how dare you get on this ship?"

"Because we have to leave that place, boarding this ship is the only way, and our purpose is not to get on this ship, our purpose is to leave that place and help you solve the problem, isn't it, so about this ship In fact, it seems that the information is not that important, right.”

After listening to Angelet's analysis, the man nodded. There are many other customers beside them, wearing the same clothes as this man, getting on the boat at the same time, and going to the shop at the same time, but Angelet only followed one People exchanged...

Others seem to be unable to hear the conversation between them, and no one has ever paid attention to the content of the communication between them.

"The place this ship is going to is a world with only souls like me, but it is not a place of rebirth, but a space that closely connects these two worlds. You are different from us. Existence, but now that you are on this boat, you will also go to that world, no one can guarantee that you will be able to come back after you go, but now you have no chance to regret it."

It sounds like Angelet's way that 0.0 is indeed a serious problem.

After all, if they can't come back, they might as well not go, and now they have no other choice.

But he didn't panic, because he believed that as a wizard, he could definitely solve this problem!

After an unknown amount of time, Angelet felt lethargic for a while. .

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