It's not that they suspect Lisa Mina, but that many things need to be careful and prudent.

"Yes, you read that right. I was tricked in before, but because I was more obedient to his arrangements and his control, he needed someone like me at that time, so he handed over that floor to me. I came to manage, but he didn't know that I've been thinking about leaving here. Of course, although my goal has been achieved, you did all of this. Now that you need help, of course I should help you! "

"Okay," Angelet nodded, "then you take us there."

"Okay," Lisameina walked out from the crowd, then nodded, and led them to find the liar.

Along the way, Lisamina has been chatting with Angelet.

"Where are you going to go next after the matter in our town is settled?"

"I don't know yet. I don't have a very accurate idea at the moment. Let's talk about it after this matter is resolved." Angelet thought for a while, and now there is really no more accurate place to go, because he has to consider not only himself , and Violet.

"So that's the case, then (afei) I hope you will have a pleasant journey ahead!"

"You too, I hope that your future life can see the haze of the past, and you can be happier and happier!"

The two chatted happily, and seemed to completely forget about Violet next to them.

And Angelet didn't know that during the process of communicating with Lisa Mina, his memorization was unpleasant...

Until Lisamina took them outside the liar's residence.

"This is it." Lisa Mina pointed to the small house.

The small house is made of wood, and it looks very simple from the outside. It can be seen that this house is only big enough for one person to live in, and the interior layout is definitely not very complicated.

"Does that liar live here?" Angelet asked.

"Yes," Lisa Mina nodded, "he lives here, every day, they will trick passers-by to that place, and then, Rich Ford will pay him, he just relies on This survives."

"Then how do you know? And didn't those people just say that they all lived in this small town? Why do you live in this small town so close to that place, and still be deceived like this? For people like us who just came here and don’t know anything about it, it’s normal to be deceived, and it’s understandable, since you live here, how can you believe a person from another place?”

Angelet found it very strange, mainly because Lisa Mina didn't seem like someone who would be deceived, not to mention that they lived here...

"I didn't live here before," Lisa Mina looked at Angelet, and Angelet looked at her closely with deep eyes, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Violet looked at the expressions of the two gazing at each other from the side, and frowned slightly, but said nothing.

"Then where were you from before? How did you get tricked into coming here?"

For a moment, Angelet seemed to be curious about Lisamina's past, and kept asking.

And Lisa Mina also seems to have a big secret, but contrary to Angelet, she seems to want to know, but she just doesn't want to say it. .

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