"There may be one more thing you don't know, his boat is gone, no soul will go there in the future, that road will not become a river again, and there will be no homeless people here in the future Returnable soul, his wishful thinking plan has failed forever, and there will never be a chance to realize it again, can you understand what I mean?"

Finally, Angelet told the old man about it.

Finally, after hearing this, the old man stopped, cheering, turned his head and looked at Angelet in disbelief.

After a while, he said, "What did you say?"

His unbelievable look was exactly what Angelet had envisioned.

"I said that boat is gone, the idea of ​​Rich Ford Lang will never be realized again, you have been living under his roof, maybe you have benefited from him, I don't know why you use it This way to survive, but now he is gone, his building is gone, his evil plan has disappeared from the world forever, but you are still really alive, you should now What you do is to wake up and understand what you should really do as a human being. Only after you understand these can you be happy. I am here to tell you this. I hope you will stop lying to others in the future. "Don't continue to do things that will harm you and never benefit you''''!"

Seeing that the old man was persuaded by him, Angelet finally smiled in relief.

"What is all harm but no benefit?"

The old man frowned at him.

"You deceive people into thinking that you are getting benefits, but are they really benefits? Are they really good for you? Are you really getting happiness out of it?"

The old man couldn't answer any of Angelet's series of questions.

"You see, if you can't answer, it means that you really didn't get happiness from these things. Why, because you will also feel guilty in your heart. Those who have been deceived by you have endured a lot of pain, but they Originally, they didn’t have to endure these pains, it was because of you that they went through this kind of thing, that’s why you won’t be happy, understand?”

While speaking, Angelet turned to look at Violet.

"Give me the contract," he said to Violet.

Then Violet nodded, and then took out a small piece of cloth that Angelet had given him when he was on the boat.

Because this old man is different from other people who signed the contract, the old man's contract is real, and it was placed on that boat. He found this contract before, so he temporarily placed it here with Violet. This contract is returned to the old man. After the contract is ended, the spell that Rich Ford Lang cast on the old man before (well done) to control the old man will disappear automatically. From now on, the old man will also Just be free.

But the problem is that the old man must have such thoughts, otherwise, even if the contract is returned to him, he still won't be truly free.

"This is your contract. We have brought it over for you. Now return the contract to you. You don't have to lie to others in the future. As for survival, I will help you find a way!

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