"If I knew where my wife is now, why would I come to you?"

The man glared at him angrily, and then slapped the table heavily. Just by looking at it, one could know his inner emotions at this moment.

"I can understand your feelings, but if you tell me the information you know now, how can you find your wife?"

Angelet doesn't understand "180", why is this brother so unwilling to listen to good advice?

"Then tell me now, how do you know I'm here, is this the head office?"

Angelet then decided to use another way to communicate with this person. Since this brother refused to talk about his wife, why not talk about his wife's head office now?

"How do I know you're here? Is this important? No matter how I know, isn't it all right if you're here? I did find you here when I came here, isn't the truth already revealed? Don't you still Want to renege? If it wasn't for you, then why would I come here to find you?"

"There is still a problem here!" Angelet collapsed, "I don't know how you know I'm here, so I want to know how you know, so the person who let you know I'm here He is the one with real problems! Brother, I really have nothing to do with your wife, I don’t know you!”

Hearing what Angelet said, the man seemed unable to communicate anymore, and frowned tightly.

"I think there must be some misunderstanding in this. Why don't you explain the matter in more detail, sir, and let me communicate with you. I believe that you are angry now, and you don't want to talk to him now. What do you think?" ?”

At this time, Ying Samina took the initiative to step forward and speak again.

The man just nodded.

"My wife has been in a bad mood since half a year ago. She often doesn't come home late at night. Until recently, it has become even more strange. She often laughs for no reason when she is alone, and she laughs very happily. but when I asked, she said nothing, I really love her, that's why I wanted to know what she was thinking, but she didn't want to tell me at all, until I yesterday See this kid! That's him with my wife!"

The man said this categorically, not to mention Angelet, even Lisamina and Violet next to him were shocked...

Because what the man said doesn't seem like a lie, but both of them can clearly prove that Angelet was absolutely not with the man's wife yesterday, because they have been together all the time, Angelet There is absolutely no chance to go anywhere alone, how could I be with his wife like this man said, this is absolutely impossible!

"Impossible, sir, you must have made a mistake. 2.9 Mr. Angle was with us all yesterday. This is something we absolutely can testify for him, and the two of us are not the same People are testifying for him, and we as women too, we would never lie about such a thing, you must be mistaken, really!"

While talking, Lisa Mina assured that Angelet was really not what he said.

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