Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 513 Is Someone Really Impersonating?

After finishing speaking, Violet gently stroked her hair.

It was early morning at this time, and the early morning wind always made people feel refreshed and comfortable.

Her hair fluttered gently in the breeze, and it felt itchy when it slid across her face.

Lisa Mina, who was looking at her faintly, said nothing beside her.

Even if she was threatened by Wei Lihe just now, she still acted as if she hadn't heard anything

And Angelet here, walking through the streets and alleys, is looking for the person who looks like him that Lisa Mina said.

But unfortunately, after walking many streets, I still couldn't find it.

"How? Can't you find 023?"

The man followed, but the genetically modified stared at him.

"It's useless for you to look at me like this. I don't have one or I don't. I don't know you. I still don't know your name, let alone your wife. Whether you believe it or not, the reason why I now I'm looking for you with you because I want to see who is pretending to be me, do you think I'm doing this for you?"

Angelet was also very angry, this guy who hid has never shown up, what is he trying to do?

Are you trying to create anxiety for him?

Or trying to twist the truth? (afdg)

Or is it for other purposes?

"No matter what your reason for doing this is, anyway, I just want to get back my things, but our purposes are different, so that's fine, otherwise there will be conflicts between us in the end, right?"

"Of course it's the best," Angelet nodded, and when he turned his head, he suddenly found a suspicious figure in front of him!

And the moment he saw that figure, that person also saw him!

Then, the moment he saw him, the figure ran away.

This suspicious figure appeared!

Angelet didn't even think about it, she just raised her footsteps and quickly followed, but it's a pity that in just a few seconds, that person had disappeared!

"Do you want to run?" The man quickly followed, and then grabbed him tightly.

"I saw it!" Angelet turned her head and said to him.

"What did you see?"

"I see, the person they mentioned just now!"

"Joke, why did you see it alone, I walked with you, why didn't I see it?"

"I really saw it!"

"What proof do you have that you saw it?"

"Why are you grabbing me? If you didn't grab me just now, if you kept chasing me, you might have caught me by now!" Angelet jumped up angrily, and in a flash, the guy disappeared. If you continue to run, because There is no turning point ahead, maybe you can still see that person at the end of this road, but it's a pity that the guy next to him never lets go, he's really an obstacle!

"If I let go, what will you do if you run away? Your two accomplices are not here now. When I can run away, I will go to them again. I..."

When the man said this, he raised his head and looked in front of him, and it was this look that made him speechless...

Unbelievable, incredible!

If it wasn't for what he saw with his own eyes, he would never believe what he just saw with his own eyes...

He actually saw a man who looked exactly like Angelet, but he even wore the same clothes......

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