Angelet also slowed down her pace, and then persuaded.

After all, if the other party is willing to take the initiative to catch him without a fight, it is much better than their desperate pursuit.

Sure enough, at this time, the other party didn't even run, but chose to walk forward slowly step by step.

Although Angelet was a little puzzled as to why he didn't run away, he still followed quickly.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you want to pretend to be me?"

If the resemblance is just a coincidence, then he will admit it, but this guy even wears exactly the same clothes as him, and he still has the same hairstyle as him. If it is a coincidence, That's too ridiculous, right?

But this person was very strange. Hearing him say this, not only did he not panic, but he even laughed!

That's right, he really read it right, this man smiled!

Just when Angelet was wondering why he was laughing, he suddenly felt dizzy for a while, and then his eyes darkened, and he passed out...

And the man who came to find his wife later, also passed out when his eyes darkened...

When Angelet woke up, she found herself in a dark room.

He didn't understand why he came here out of nowhere, but when he thought of himself, the man he had chased on the street before, he suddenly seemed to understand.

Just as he was about to get up, he found that his wrists were tied up, and when he was struggling, he bumped into something next to him.

"Ah!" He didn't realize that lying next to him was the man who came out to look for his wife until he shouted.

"What's this place," asked the man next to him.

"How do I know what this is?" Angelet sighed, "I feel like we've fallen into a trap." Or maybe it's not a feeling, but a trap

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Now we are all trapped here, with our hands and feet tied up. Isn't this a trick?"

If there is light in the room at this moment, he must show Angelet his eyes at this moment!

"You said that the person who thinks the same as you, is it possible that he deliberately lured you to this place, so that's why?"

The man suddenly remembered this...

"It's possible." Angelet nodded, it is indeed possible, but

"But the question is, why did he lure us to this place? Is there any purpose? Can we get anything from us? Do you have any treasures on you? Let's see if there is anything missing from you?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense, my hands and feet are tied, how do I know?"

Angelet wanted to cry but had no tears.

Could this be the legendary pig teammate?

"What can I do now, I can't get what I want now, and now even I myself can't get out here... If I had known this, I wouldn't have come out to find her

Amidst the deep sigh, Angelet's thoughts became even more messy.

I don't know what's going on with Violet and Lisamina now, will they be locked in a small dark room like they are now...

He was the one who killed them...

Just when Angelet was thinking about this, he didn't know that Lisamina and Violet had already returned to the shop where they lived before. .

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