Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 519 Surprisingly Still In The Mood To Laugh

That's where he's going next, and after he's been there, he's the real Angelet from now on!

the next day.

Angelet, who had been in a coma all day, woke up from the darkness. The surrounding environment was still pitch black, but he was still dizzy. Hunger and the effects of drugs made it very difficult for him to even speak.

"Brother, who have you offended?"

The man next to him couldn't help asking.

He'd been waiting a long time for Angelet to wake up, and Andre finally woke up, so he asked the question right away.

"What...what? Offended whom?"

Angelet didn't understand what his question meant for a moment.

"If you didn't offend anyone, then how did you get caught here? I think you have been in a coma for so long, they should have some kind of medicine on you, right? I was brought here with you, But I didn't have this kind of situation, it means that you are treated specially by them, so you must have offended someone before this happens!"

The man spoke his own judgment, but Angelet thought it was very funny.

But for a while, I didn't know whether I should cry or laugh.

It wasn't until after a while that people could feel a shallow laughter coming from beside them, so they couldn't help asking, "Why are you laughing? How can you still laugh in this situation? Brother, if I were You, at that time, it was too late to cry!"

Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, this person has not found his wife, but he is still in the mood to persuade him?

Angelet shook his head helplessly, "I don't know what else to do besides laugh at this time, and now I have someone to accompany me?"

"What's the use of me being with you? I'm going back to my house sooner or later, and brother, I was caught here because of you. You should feel guilty now instead of acting recklessly like this laugh!"

"Didn't you ask me just now, who did you offend? I thought about it carefully. The person who brought us here may have achieved his goal now!"

The reason why I was arrested here is probably to let that person who looks the same as him replace him now. It has been a day, and that guy has probably used his identity to achieve his goal. .....

0…ask for flowers……

It's just that what he doesn't know now is whether the other party has only one person who looks like him, or they are a gang. If there is only one person, then it's easy to handle. After all, such a thing is not for money, but for fame and fortune , but if they still have a group of people, then things will become difficult to handle


"What purpose? Have you already guessed it? But even if you guessed it now, you have no way to leave here, and it's useless to guess it!" In comparison, I just can’t get what I want. If it’s worse, I’m still miserable without you. Now others are using your identity, and I don’t know what they have done. When the time comes, all the consequences will be your own To bear [heavy] I feel too miserable when I think about it!"

"Are you still accusing me? Wasn't it because of this before that you suspected what other people did on my head, alas, now you know that I am innocent?"

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