"I don't know, maybe it's tonight, maybe it's tomorrow morning, anyway, it will definitely not exceed tomorrow!"

After that, the two didn't communicate any more, and as expected, someone came that night.

Looking at the several people in black clothes standing in the room, Angelet then closed his eyes, looking quite relaxed.

It was as if these few people standing here did not give him any sense of oppression at all.

Because of the arrival of these people, the door of the room was opened, so the room began to have light.

The man 05, who went out to look for his wife, saw Angelet close his eyes, and felt even more frightened. He kicked him, but Angelet didn't give any response, and he didn't even open his eyes.

"Hey, are you dead?"

After the old man made a show of color, the little guy behind hurried forward and kicked Angelet.

But Angelet still didn't open his eyes.

"Hey, our boss is talking to you, if you are not dead, please respond!"

Seeing that Angelet didn't give any response, the little guy kicked Angelet even harder.

Even the man next to him couldn't stand it.

Although it is said that it is a good character to endure humiliation and bear the burden of humiliation, even he can't bear to bear the bullying of others like this. He really doesn't understand how Angelet can bear it!

After the little guy kicked him several times in a row, Angelet finally opened his eyes.

However, there was no anger in his eyes. Instead, he looked at the little boy casually, and then looked at their so-called boss standing behind Xiao Luoluo.

Originally thought that Angelet should be very angry at this moment, but unexpectedly, he suddenly laughed.

Seeing the smile on his face, those people in black couldn't understand even more. The little Lou Luo frowned and kicked him hard, "What the hell are you laughing at? Is it funny? ? Ask you something!"

"Because I laughed at you for nothing more than that, what? Is there a problem?"

"But that's all? What do you mean by that?"

At this time, I finally heard the so-called boss behind that speak.

While talking, he came forward, stood in front of Angelet, looked down at him, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, "I'm not afraid of you laughing happily, because you won't be able to laugh after ten minutes!"

"It doesn't matter, you can wait as long as you want, because no matter how long you wait, I still want to laugh the same way!"

He can absolutely believe that the person this guy sent out to pretend to be him must have failed!

Violet and Lisamina are not that stupid.

"Tell me, what is your purpose?" Because knowing that the other party brought him here, there must be a purpose, 260, so Angelet didn't want to waste time.

After all, if he really wanted to leave here, he would have already left, and he would not wait until now. Since he has already waited until now, figuring out what the other party wants to do is his only purpose until now.

"Your brain is quite clever, and you know that we have a purpose in arresting you. If that's the case, then I won't beat around the bush. Where is the Soul Resurrection Sword?"

During the whole process of speaking, the person who claimed to be the boss, probably because he was too anxious, didn't even sit down beside him, but stood up and talked directly. .

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