"Well, let's talk about it after they come back," Mrs. Jimmy nodded, and she didn't seem to be stingy about this baby.

"Then do you need to discuss this matter with your husband again? After all, it is such an important thing to him."

It is better to clarify some things before this, after all, if Bell's father is unwilling to hand over this thing to them after he returns, isn't she happy now in vain?

"No need, he has already promised me before this, our family has experienced so many things, I believe he has already understood that this thing is placed in our family

Our family will not be peaceful, if you just need it, it is the best to take it away for you!" f

Mrs. Jimmy spoke very positively, and of course Violet was relieved-.

Now wait for Angelet to come back.

It's just that they went there for most of the day and never came back.

Until Bell wakes up.

"Mom, where's my hero?"

Bell asked Mrs. Jimmy as he came out of the room.

"What hero?"

Mrs. Jimmy finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Bell was fine, "Are you hungry? I'll have someone prepare something for you? You can eat whatever you want, this time you can be picky eaters!"

"I'm not hungry, I just want to see my hero! Where is he now!"

Bell arrogantly pulled Mrs. Jimmy, talking about wanting to see the hero all the time.

Violet thought about it, maybe this hero refers to Angelet?

"Is the hero you speak of...the one who brought you back?" she asked.

"Bring me back? Who brought me back? The one who hugged me?" Bell blinked his beautiful big eyes.

"The little girl is shameless, how can she say such a thing?" Mrs. Jimmy looked at Bell angrily.

"He is my hero, he is the one who brought me back, he is the hero in my life! This is a fact that no one can change!"

No matter what Mrs. Jimmy says, Bell will always say that Angelet is her hero.

In the end, Mrs. Jigme could only choose to nod and agree, saying that Angelet is a hero.

Seeing this scene, Violet really realized what kind of environment Bell grew up in.

Such pampering, if any person grows up in such an environment, he will become extremely pampered...

0...seeking flowers...

"Mom, where is my hero?"

When it was dark, Bell asked again.

"They're out looking for your father, and they'll be back soon."

"But why haven't you come back for so long? Is my hero not coming back? Where is he now, I'm going to find him!" Bell said and was about to run outside.


Of course, Mrs. Jigme was pulled back, and there were guards at the door, so Bell would not be allowed to go out easily. After all, after experiencing this incident, Mrs. Jigme was already very sad because of Bell's disappearance, and it was impossible for such a It happens again!

"You are not allowed to go, I told you, he will come back soon, if you want to make trouble like this again, I will not agree to all your things in the future" I will never spoil you like before !"

Mrs. Jimmy was angry.

"No matter what you do to me in the future, I will meet my hero!"

Before Bell finished speaking, the yard door was suddenly opened, and it turned out that Angelet and the others had returned!

"How many times have you come back, hero!".

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