Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 546 The Attraction Of The Soul Body To Space Is Extremely Terrifying

Found it by myself? Angelet was taken aback when he heard that, and then his eyes lit up suddenly.

Carlos' identity is very special. If he can enter and exit everything here by himself, then he can freely enter and exit this world, that is to say.

The space energy here can also be absorbed by Carlos! In this case, the space energy here will have no effect on Carlos.

And these space energies are also a treasure to Angelet, his soul body lacks such pure space energies!

Carlos is the body of the gods, he is the soul body, and the attraction of the soul body to space is extremely terrifying.

Angelet's soul body itself is composed of space energy, if he can absorb a large amount of space energy, then his soul body can grow rapidly, and such a

It means that he can have even more terrifying strength, and when dealing with those demons, he will no longer be beaten and fled in embarrassment like before.

If Carlos can be subdued, then Angelet will be able to control a powerful force!

Mr. Carlos, how did you find this place? Thinking of this, Angelet couldn't help asking curiously.

In fact, the appearance of this space crack was discovered by me accidentally. When I first came to this world, I hadn't reached my peak state yet. At that time, my strength was very weak, and I didn't dare to act rashly.

Only one side can hide in a city. When my strength gradually increased, I slowly developed my own power. Later, I encountered a space crack in this world, and wanted to go in and explore it. Unexpectedly, my luck was relatively bad, and I lost my way in this crack.

Unfortunately, when I went in, I was teleported into a strange place. Carlos said with a frown.

Strange place? Where? Angelet asked hastily.

Carlos shook his head, didn't speak, just closed his eyes and thought for a while. After a while, Carlos slowly opened his eyes, with a wise light shining in his eyes.

I know where it is, I remembered it! Carlos exclaimed, with a suddenly realized expression.

Oh, where? Angelet heard the words [quickly asked. This place is called the City of Angels! Carlos said.

City of Angels!? Angelet was taken aback.

Yeah, that's right. This city of angels is actually a bit similar to the heaven in hell, the only difference is that this city of angels is built in the void, and here is an endless darkness.

In this boundless darkness, there are many strange creatures. These creatures are very powerful, and each of them has the ability to destroy the entire planet.

However, they also have a fatal weakness, that is, it is impossible for them to leave this darkness. So the City of Angels here is also an independent existence. Carlos explained.

An independent existence? An independent existence will also be attacked? Angelet asked suspiciously.

Yes, these cities of angels have their own masters, and they also have their own rules, but here, as long as you have enough power, you can ignore any rules.

Of course, if you don't want to, you can also refuse directly. After all, this is my private domain. If you refuse, then you will lose the qualification to continue to stay in this world. Carlos said calmly. .

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