Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 558 Perfecting The Rune Construction Plan

That being the case, then I have nothing to worry about. Your Excellency Angelet, I want to know, how many craftsmen do you plan to arrange in our wizarding guild? A twenty-seven or eighteen-year-old female wizard asked.

I plan to arrange 100,000 craftsmen in the Wizards Guild. These craftsmen are cultivated by myself. I hope they can help me improve the rune construction plan. Angelet said with a smile.

100,000 artisans?

Everyone gasped, 100,000 craftsmen is not a small number! Such a huge factory needs 100,000 craftsmen, the strength of the Wizards Union is not small.

Your Excellency Angelet, your request is too great. One hundred thousand craftsmen is not a small number. I am afraid that the craftsmen of the trade union will not be able to bear it. A young male wizard 783 in his thirties shook his head and said.

Yes, 100,000 craftsmen need a lot of wages alone [I estimate that it will take a long time for these craftsmen to get together 100,000 craftsmen. Another old wizard in his thirties also echoed.

Hehe, rest assured, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will soon gather 100,000 craftsmen. During this period of time, you should prepare well. I believe that you can stand out in this rune alchemy competition. Angelet said with a smile.


Then we retreat first.

Everyone left one after another, and disappeared into the wizard union in a short while.

Hehe, I still like the stable life of the Wizarding Union. Angelet said with a smile.

Soon, on the second day, hundreds of people gathered in the wizard union.

In the eyes of everyone, the scale of the Wizards Guild was already very large, even surpassing the general kingdom, but it was the first time they saw so many wizards, and they were all frightened for a while.

So many wizards!

Why so many wizards? Who are they?

I don't know, but they all look like arch druids!

My God! Who is this Angelet? There are so many archdruids! Doesn’t he know that the number of archdruids is very small? So many archdruids (affg) have come to the wizard union, Could it be that something big happened in the Wizards Guild?

I see it too, so many archdruids, and it seems that they are all for the same thing.

Same thing? Wouldn't it be those monsters attacking the wizarding guild?

Probably not, there is such a powerful barrier in the Wizards Union, and there is a Wu Tower guarding it.

That's true, so what are these archdruids here for?

I don't know, maybe they came to watch the fun, after all, the wizards of this year's Wizards Guild performed very well.

Regardless of whether we are here to see the excitement, let's go to the wizarding union's general meeting first. There are too many people here, so let's talk over there.

Following the discussion of the crowd, they quickly rushed towards the general meeting of the Wizards' Union. In their view, with so many archdruids dispatched, the Wizards' Union must have something important to do.

Well, I have called everyone here today, mainly because there is an important announcement, "That is, I am going to hand over the management of the Wizarding Union in my hands to a man named Eric.


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