However, there is a flaw in the soul contract. Once one of the wizards is severely injured, the other party will feel it instantly. This defect is not a secret among wizards like them, but something that some wizard guilds understand.

The soul contract is divided into three layers, the first layer is the soul contract between ordinary wizards and elite wizards, the second layer is the soul contract between some wizards and advanced wizards, and the third layer is a "five seven seven" some A senior wizard contract that only elite wizards can cultivate.

Angelet's soul contract is a soul contract between first-tier elite wizards. Although his strength is only first-tier elites, his strength is stronger than many second-tier wizards.

Therefore, Angelet's soul contract was able to deceive many first-tier wizards and many second-tier wizards, and this soul contract has many functions, such as burning the fire of the soul in some ways.

When the fire of the soul burns, it can burn the enemy's soul memory, which can make the enemy weak and kill the opponent.

The greater the power, the longer the soul fire burns. Angelet's soul contract is exactly this advantage.

The soul contract is indeed very precious, but I have to admit that its biggest role is not to use it in battle, but to manage the wizard union, so I think there is no other meaning in handing over the wizard union to your management. Angelet said with a smile.

That being the case, there is no need for us to refuse any more. Your Excellency, Angelet, on behalf of the Wizarding Union, I agree with your decision. I hope you can allow new members to join the Wizarding Union as soon as possible. The dumpy wizard nodded.

He could see that Angelet valued their wizard union very much, and this wizard union was also very important to their wizard union, so since the other party valued their wizard union, there was no need for them to continue to shirk.

Several other wizards also echoed: Yes, Your Excellency Angelet, please be sure to allow new wizards to join the Wizards Guild.

Of course this won't be a problem. Angelet replied with a smile.

That's good. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Shall we begin training and teaching now? asked the dumpy wizard.

Of course, I have also ordered Eric just now, he will send them all to the wizard tower, where they will receive devil-style training... Angelet nodded.

That being the case, we will not disturb your work. The chunky wizard cupped his hands, bid farewell to Angelet and left.

You all go back too. After the chunky wizard left, Angelet waved his hand to make the other wizards retreat.

Seeing that all the wizards had dispersed, Angelet didn't stay idle, and directly started to prepare his own witchcraft potion.

Angelet first made 500 bottles of soul potions, all of which were extracted from a seven-star grass, and the soul power contained in them was very strong, which was what he needed most now.

After making the spirit 1.3 soul potion, Angelet made a lot of runes in the potion room.

These talismans are the spells he got from Ron. It is a first-level low-level spell called Explosion, and its power is much stronger than ordinary second-level low-level spells.

After making these talisman papers, Angelet picked up another pile of talisman papers and prepared to make a large number of seal scripts. .

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