Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 562 Go Straight To The Depths Of The Forest Outside The Black Iron City

I will put this dark elf stone in Purgatory City. Thinking of this, Angelet directly put the Dark Elf Stone into the space ring.

After tidying up, Angelet returned to her residence to rest.

the next day.

Led by Ron, Angelet came to the hall of the castle. In the hall, Angelet met Ron and their leader Keith.

Standing beside him are three knights wearing armor and holding shields. These three knights are all riding fourth-level Pegasus, and they look very powerful.

Standing behind the three knights was a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was wearing a black robe.

The middle-aged man named Alva Dilar, is Ron's father.

Ron brought Angelet to Alva and introduced Angelet to Alva. Angelet, he is my father, Alva Dilar.

Hello, Angelet. Angelet bowed politely to Alva. Your Excellency Angelet, welcome to join us in the Iron City, and hope that everyone can live in peace in the future! Alva said with a smile.

I feel very honored to be able to work with Team Leader Ron, and I also look forward to getting familiar with some new working environments as soon as possible. Angelet said with a smile.

Alva nodded when he heard the words: the mission of this magic arena is very simple, it is to hunt down a few fourth-order monsters and find some magic cores left behind by the fourth-order monsters. In this way, we will have certain rewards every month.

So, when will we start hunting? Angelet asked curiously.

This morning, today I will take you to hunt in the forest, you just need to hunt according to the plan, and then hand in the hunted magic core. Alva smiled and said

Yes, we get it. Angelet nodded with everyone.

Angelet, I know your strength very well, so your task is very simple, you just need to ensure that you can come back alive, and you don't need to worry about anything else. Alva continued.

After chatting with Angelet for a few more words, Alva left. Angelet and other apprentices also bid farewell and left the castle one after another.

After leaving the castle, Angelet and his party went straight to the depths of the forest outside the Black Iron City.

The forest is very vast, Angelet and others hurried all the way, walked for about two hours, and finally came to a dense mountain range.

It was already night at this time, the forest was very quiet, not even the chirping of insects, and the surrounding area was very quiet, not a single bird was there.

Ahead is the Dark Mountains. Ron led the way towards the center of the valley.

Captain Ron, how do we get around this valley?

There are many monsters in the dark valley, here is a maze in the valley, there will be a fork every few minutes, you only need to remember one fork.

On this road, if you encounter a dangerous situation, remember to use teleportation to escape. If your strength is not strong, you must use teleportation.

Ron took the lead and walked towards the dark valley while talking.

The degree of danger in the dark valley is no less than that of the general Warcraft area. Here, there are not only a large number of monsters, but also various traps.

And all kinds of (Wang Haohao) weird and weird magic scrolls, if you are very careful, you will lose your life.

Dark Valley? Angelet heard the name.

By the way, Angelet, in this world, the surname Angelet is not suitable for your name, so, from now on, your surname will be Ron, and mine will also be changed to Alva Dilar.

You just need to know where this is. Ron turned his head and looked at Angelet seriously.

I see, Captain Ron. Angelet nodded. .

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