While walking, he searched the woods for traces of fourth-order monsters, and soon Angelet found an ice bear.

The ice bear is a very common monster. Although its attributes are relatively powerful, it is not a high-level monster, but a low-level monster of the third level, which is nothing in the forest.

Looking at the ice bear in front of him, Angelet was taken aback for a moment, never expecting to catch a third-level low-level monster so easily.

Hehe, I said that I have never failed, you just wait, I will roast this ice bear. Angelet said with a smile.

Seeing Angelet's appearance, Ron shook his head: It seems that I want to remind you, don't be careless, this ice bear has a very strong attack power, if you are not careful, you may die.

I see, thank you for your reminder, I will definitely come back alive. Angelet laughed.

Well, let's wait for your good news. After Ron finished speaking, he turned and left.

Seeing Ron leave, Angelet also turned and left.

After walking for a certain distance, Angelet stopped. He stood under a big tree, quietly watching the ice bear in front of him.

Looking at the ice bear, Angelet smiled.

Finally got you, Ice Bear. As Angelet said, he waved his right hand, and a long sword appeared in front of his servant.

Whew~~ There was a sound of wind, and the long sword in Angelet's hand turned into a silver beam and flew towards the ice bear.

Seeing the long sword coming towards him, Ice Bear let out an angry roar, then suddenly raised his right arm, and slammed down on the long sword.

The huge fist of the ice bear landed on the long sword, deflecting the long sword and falling to the ground.

Hmph! Seeing that Angelet blocked his attack with one move, the Ice Bear became furious. It roared loudly and rushed towards Angelet.

Angelet tapped his toes lightly, and with the help of the tree trunk, his figure leaped into the air immediately, and then the long sword in his hand shook, "It pierced Bing Neng's throat again.

This time the target of the long sword became the eyes of the ice bear, and the eyes of the ice bear were its most vulnerable parts. The ice bear's fists landed on the long sword, making a muffled sound.

It was broken directly by the long sword, and the ice bear's double fists and long sword pierced through the ice bear's chest, passing through its body.

0…ask for flowers……………

Bright red blood spewed out from the ice bear's wound, staining the surrounding land red. The bloody smell immediately attracted many monsters.


There was a shrill howl of wolves, and then many monsters ran towards this direction one after another. Apparently, they had smelled the smell of blood, and had decided that Angelet was their food.

Seeing so many monsters around him rushing towards him, Angelet had a sneer on his face.

Ice Bear, your time of death has arrived!

As Angelet's words fell, the long sword in his hand shook again [stabbed the ice bear's throat.

The ice bear uttered a shrill scream, and slowly fell down, dead on the ground.

Seeing the ice bear in front of him die, Angelet breathed a sigh of relief.

When fighting the ice bear just now, Angelet found that the ice bear's body defense is very strong, there are almost no major defects, and their skin is extremely hard, and it is difficult to damage them with a sword. .

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