Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 572 If It Wasn't For You, We Would All Be Dead

This is the Mr. Angelet I told you yesterday. This time I will introduce Mr. Angelet to you. Bai Xuefei pointed to Angelet and said to the girls beside her

Is this Sir Angelet? I heard Sister Fei often mentioned you. A girl greeted Angelet.

Well, hello to you all. Angelet nodded to the girls.

Mr. Angelet, you are very powerful. If you hadn't made a move last night, we might all be dead. Another girl smiled at Angelet.

Hehe, where, if it wasn't for my chance this time, the two of us would have died long ago. Angelet said modestly.

Sister Fei, shall we go to the forest to pick some medicinal materials together today? Another girl said at this time.

This time I'll pick them, so you don't have to go. Bai Xuefei shook her head and said, then turned and walked out of the courtyard.

Seeing Bai Xuefei leave the courtyard, the other girls also left the courtyard, and followed Bai Xuefei one after another.

Looking at the back of Bai Xuefei leaving, Angelet's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, because he felt that Bai Xuefei seemed to be a little afraid of the forest. Could there be anything in the forest that would threaten her?

Angelet frowned, thinking about Bai Xuefei, then he thought of Bai Xuefei's father he met in the tavern yesterday, he remembered what Bai Xuefei's mother said yesterday.

Bai Xuefei's father is a strong man at the level of a great wizard. This time, he took him to visit the forest to let him learn how to use the elemental wand [to make himself grow faster.

Thinking of this, Angelet couldn't help feeling a little vigilant.

Bai Xuefei's father is a strong man at the level of a great wizard, so his strength must be very powerful. If he used witchcraft under his nose and he knew his secret, he might be in trouble.

No, I have to improve my strength as soon as possible, otherwise I will not be the opponent of that great mage by myself! Thinking of this, Angelet decided to work hard and strive to break through to the second-level swordsmanship master as soon as possible, so that he can deal with a An ordinary four-star wizard.

After thinking about this, Angelet sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice with eyes closed.

After Bai Xuefei left Angelet, she walked to the deepest part of the forest and stopped.

Mr. Angelet, here we are, this is it. Bai Xuefei stopped moving forward, then turned her head and said to Angelet.

Okay, I get it now. Hearing this, Angelet opened her eyes and looked at the forest in front of her, then raised her feet and took a step forward.

Mr. Angelet, be careful. Seeing this, Bai Xuefei quickly reminded her.

Angelet nodded upon hearing this, and continued to take steps.

Crack! When Angelet took the third step, a small stone fell to the ground, making a (money good) crisp sound.

After Angelet heard the slight voice, she quickly stopped her steps, then squatted down and picked up the stone on the ground.

Looking at the stone in his hand, Angelet's eyes became serious. He judged from the texture of the stone on the ground that it was a petrified stone.

It seems that there is really danger this time. I was careless this time. I didn't expect to be discovered when I first arrived. Fortunately, no one else was attracted. Angelet thought secretly. .

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