Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 579 It's Better To Pray Not To Be Touched By Me

Hearing Ian's words, Hastal's face suddenly darkened. Unexpectedly, Ian dared to mention other wizards.

Hmph, so what, three of your friends are dead, but my friend is still alive, you better pray not to be touched by me, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death, Mr. Hastal . Hastal looked at Ian sternly and said.

Hastal, my friend has already left here, I don't think you can find him, if you want revenge, then come, I will accompany you to the end. Ian gritted his teeth and said.

Hmph, I'm not going to talk nonsense with you anymore, just follow up with me. After finishing speaking, Hastal waved the wand in his hand again, and threw a spell at Ian.

Looking at the direction of the curse, Ian hurriedly dodged, but his reaction was still a bit slow after all, he still couldn't dodge completely, the curse fell directly on his back, and a sharp pain spread all over his body, Ian couldn't help but - let out a scream.

Angelet stood where he was, looked at Ian who fell to the ground and screamed, curled his lips in disdain.

Hastal, it seems that the power of your spell is really not bad! Angelet said lightly.

Of course, Your Excellency Angelet, this spell of mine was cast with all my witch power, it is not an ordinary spell. Hastal said with a smile.

Oh? Then we will wait and see! Angelet said coldly.

When Hastal heard Angelet's words, he couldn't help laughing out loud. He knew that Angelet had been irritated by him now, not only Angelet, he was also a little angry now.

Seeing Hastal's expression, Angelet couldn't help frowning.

Hastal, what the hell are you doing? Ian said, frowning.

Hehe, what are you talking about, this is just an appetizer. Hastal said lightly, and then he cast out the witchcraft again, and black beams of light flew towards Ian continuously.

Ian frowned when he saw the black light beam flying towards him.

Watch out, Ian! Clyde exclaimed.

bang bang bang

Several witchcraft attacks landed on the witchcraft shield next to Ian, and the witchcraft shield was immediately scattered, and Ian flew into the air again.

0…ask for flowers…………

Your Excellency Hastal, what other tricks do you have, just use it! Ian looked at Hastal and said calmly.

Hearing Ian's words, Hastal was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: I said, Ian, didn't you realize that what you said just now looks like a provocateur?


I don't think I'm provoking you, and I don't need to be provocative to anyone. Ian said lightly, he is not a person who likes to provoke others, he has always acted according to his own will.

That being the case, then I will fulfill you and let you know what will happen if you piss me off! Hastal roared angrily, and then, he formed seals with both hands, and a huge aura erupted from Hastal's body.

Feeling Hastal's aura, Ian's face became serious. He didn't think Hastal would end the battle so easily. He knew very well that the guy on the other side definitely had some means, but he didn't know that the other party What exactly is the means, this is what he is most worried about. .

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