Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 589 Boy, Just Wait In There To Die Slowly

The alchemist sneered, and continued to manipulate the green energy shield to attack Angelet. The green energy shield has a wide attack range and covers Angelet inside. In this way, Angelet's actions are restricted and he can only be trapped inside!

Seeing this scene, the alchemist's face was full of endless ridicule.

Boy, just wait in there to die slowly! The corner of the alchemist's mouth curled into a sneer.

Hmph! There was no worry on Angelet's face. He swiped his right hand lightly, and a silver circle suddenly appeared beside him, and then he tapped his finger again, and a silver light shot out, right in the circle.


The silver circle suddenly started to burn, and it turned into a pile of ashes in the blink of an eye.

The alchemist looked at the burning silver circle and narrowed his eyes slightly: What kind of sorcery is this? It can actually burn the energy shield directly! In this way, there is no need to worry about hurting you!

Humph! Even if you know that I cast this witchcraft, so what, now you can't help me at all! Angelet's tone is still very calm.

The master alchemist looked at Angelet's appearance, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Boy, how did you do it? I have already locked your position, but you have nothing to do! Could it be that you relied on a treasure? The alchemist asked suspiciously.

Hehe, you think too much, this is just my own creation of witchcraft, you won't understand! I sneered.

What did you say? Self-created? Could it be that your witchcraft has another name? The alchemist asked in surprise.

Of course, this is my newly developed witchcraft, I don't think you know it, but whether you know it or not, you are destined to die in my hands today! Angelet has a confident smile on her face, as if everything In his control.

Kid, you are too arrogant! In that case, I want to take a good look at how powerful your witchcraft is! The alchemist sneered, and immediately the energy around him surged, and a more terrifying coercion emanated from him exude from the body.


The energy shield in front of Angelet was overwhelmed by his aura, and green vines quickly crawled out of the ground, entangled towards Angelet.

Seeing the vines quickly roll towards Angelet, a smile appeared on the face of the master alchemist.

0...asking for flowers...

He didn't believe that Angelet could be killed with these vines.

Hehe... Just when the vines were about to wrap around Angelet, a faint laughter suddenly sounded, and then a white and slender hand lightly grasped the vines.

With a crisp sound, these Li Mo shattered one after another.

How is it possible! The alchemist looked at all this in shock.

Just now Angelet easily crushed his green vines, and he could clearly feel that his witchcraft could not cause any damage to these vines. It can be said that Angelet's strength far exceeded his expectations!

Seeing this scene, a bad premonition suddenly rose in the heart of the master alchemist.

How is it? Do you have any other tricks? Angelet looked at the alchemist with a mocking face, and his tone was full of disdain.

Boy, even if your strength is higher than mine, I am not a vegetarian! My strength is more than that! The alchemist waved his hand, and a green light flew out from his cuff and circled around him , and then the light became more and more intense, until it completely wrapped the alchemist in it. .

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