Seeing that Angelet was able to block his attack, the alchemist couldn't help showing a hint of doubt on his face.

I didn't expect you to be able to use defensive magic! But do you think that you can block my attack? I admit that your defensive skills are very powerful.

But it's obviously impossible for you to use defense to resist my attack! The master alchemist looked at Angelet and said with a hint of contempt in his tone.

As soon as the voice of the master alchemist fell, his hands quickly formed marks one by one, and immediately after that, clusters of flames appeared on the surface of his body.

Waves of incomparably hot fire element waves emerged from his body, quickly forming a fireball on the alchemist's body.

A raging flame was burning on the body of the master alchemist, and a scorching breath emanated from him.

Seeing the appearance of the alchemy master, the people around suddenly showed surprise expressions on their faces. The actions of the alchemy master clearly wanted to give up the use of witchcraft and use witchcraft to attack.

Now it's up to you! The master alchemist looked at Angelet and said proudly.

Are you sure you can hurt me?! Looking at the master alchemist, the corners of Angelet's mouth curled up slightly.

Then I will show you what is called the fire element explosion technique! After speaking, the alchemist put his right hand on his chest.

The palm of the master alchemist was burning with raging flames, and this group of flames gathered more and more, and finally turned into a huge fireball. The fireball kept spinning, exuding bursts of fiery temperature, and there were circles of fiery red halos around the master alchemist.

Seeing the fireball getting bigger and bigger, everyone's heart went up to their throats. They can be sure that this fireball can definitely destroy a mountain.

Fireball! Explode me! The voice of the master alchemist suddenly sounded. Then he stretched out his hand and made a move towards the air, and suddenly a huge ball of flames fell from the sky and hit Angelet's head accurately.

With a muffled bang, Angelet's whole body was directly smashed into the mud, making a huge hole in the ground.

Hmph, overreaching! Seeing Angelet being thrown into the pit by his own fireball, the master alchemist snorted coldly, and then continued to cast his sorcery.


One after another, fireballs were thrown from the master alchemist's hands and smashed towards Angelet.

Well, don't waste your energy. Angelet slowly crawled out from the bottom of the pit, wiped off the dirt on his face, and with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, he said lightly: I can tell you that all your fireballs can't hurt me at all, so your A little trick in front of me is completely tricky!

Hahaha! Hearing Angelet's words, the apprentices and teachers around burst into laughter, as if hearing something very funny, okay) They didn't notice that the face of the alchemist had turned dark at all.

In this case, I will let you witness with your own eyes how I destroyed this rock of yours! As he said that, the master alchemist began to seal again.

As the master alchemist continued to make seals, the mountain peak under Angelet's feet began to tremble violently, and then the mountain body began to collapse rapidly inwards, continuously collapsing in all directions, and soon, the entire mountain peak began to collapse. .

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