Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 600 Witchcraft, Storm Of Darkness!

In the center of the explosion, Angelet stood in place, everything around him disappeared without a trace, and the surroundings of Angelet were completely turned into ruins.

Looking at Angelet in front of him, the master alchemist showed a smug smile on his face.

How? You should know how powerful this blow is, right?! The alchemist said proudly.

Hmph, no matter how strong your strength is, I'm not afraid of you, "930" now, your flames have been completely absorbed by me, and then you just wait to die! Angelet said coldly.

Hearing Angelet's words, the alchemist's expression changed slightly, and he said with a sneer.

Haha, huh? Then you give it a try!

After Angelet finished speaking, he stomped his feet suddenly, and pieces of gravel suddenly appeared on the ground. Pieces of gravel rose from the ground, forming a wall of earth between Angelet and the master alchemist.

bang bang bang bang

Pieces of rubble in front of Angelet exploded in an instant, blasting big holes in the surrounding stone walls. Angelet was also knocked back a few steps because of the impact of this force.

Seeing that Angelet resisted his blow without being injured, the master alchemist was very surprised. He really couldn't figure out what kind of material Angelet was made of that could withstand his attack.

Although surprised, the master alchemist still looked at Angelet in front of him confidently, with a smile on his corner.

This is my real power, are you denying defeat now?! The alchemist asked coldly.

Hahaha! As I said, I won't admit defeat, let me see, who among us can win! Angelet said coldly, with bursts of black breath emitting from his body.

Witchcraft! Storm of Darkness! Angelet let out a soft drink, and suddenly a large cloud of black gas appeared around him, instantly covering the alchemist's surroundings. Master Alchemist wrapped inside.

Seeing this situation, the master alchemist suddenly showed a horrified expression, and then the horrified expression on his face became more and more obvious.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the alchemist was filled with shock.

What is going on here? Could it be that this guy is able to control dark magic?! Impossible, this kind of magic does not exist at all, unless...... Thinking of this, the alchemist suddenly changed his face. …

Could it be that this is the sorcery of Lord Demon God?! Such a thought flashed in the mind of the master alchemist.

When this idea appeared in the alchemist's mind, he was overjoyed.

Hahaha, it seems that this guy is really an undercover agent sent by the devil! No matter what, this time, I will definitely win!

Thinking of this, the face of the alchemist suddenly showed excitement.

Lord Demon King’s order is indeed correct. This person must be the undercover agent of the Demon King. Since this is the case in 5.3, I must arrest him and return him to the Demon King today. Then the Demon King will definitely reward me!

Hehehehe! Thinking of this, a ferocious smile suddenly appeared on the face of the master alchemist.

Thinking of this, a ferocious smile suddenly appeared on the face of the master alchemist, and then he shook both hands, and the giant musket in his hand quickly condensed infinite flames.


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