Afterwards, the three of Angelet quietly observed the process of Alisa's test.

Soon, five minutes passed, and Alisa's test was over.

Miss Angelet, my test is over. After the test, Alisa looked at Angelet with a smile and said.

It's good that the test is over. I'm afraid that something might go wrong with you. How's the test result? Hearing that, Angelet said with a smile.

Very good, very good, Mr. Angelet, I have reached the level of a junior wizard. Hearing this, Alisa said with a smile.

Hehe, that's good, you can learn from Brian in the future. Hearing Alisa's words, Angelet also had a smile on his face.

Oh, I see. Alisa said with a smile.

Ok, let's move on to testing the rest. Seeing that the test was over, Angelet spoke again.

The trio then retested several other skills.

After the test, the three left the Academic Affairs Office.

Mr. Brian, your Alchemy Academy is really a university. It is the first time I have seen so many witchcraft academies. It is really amazing. After leaving the Academic Affairs Office

Alisa said curiously.

Hearing this, Angelet smiled and nodded.

That's right, although our Alchemy Academy has very few outside schools, the internal competition is much fiercer than those big schools, so it is very difficult for you outsiders to become the internal elite. Hearing this, Brian also said with a smile.

It's really strong here, it's better than when I was in the family. Hearing Brian's words, Alisa said with a longing face.

Of course, this is not an ordinary place, this is the Alchemy Academy, the most powerful witchcraft academy in Alchemy City, here only you can cultivate to advanced alchemists.

It is impossible for other witches and mages to become intermediate alchemists here, so this is also the best academy in the entire alchemy academy. Hearing this, Brian explained with a smile.

So this is ah. Hearing Brian's words, Alisa nodded with a dazed expression.

Seeing Alisa's suddenly realized expression, Brian and Angelet looked at each other and smiled in unison.

Let's go, let's go to lunch and talk while eating lunch. Brian spoke.

OK. Alisa nodded with a quick smile.

Then the three of them walked towards the cafeteria.

The three of them were walking on the road, which still attracted the attention of many people. However, after seeing Angelet's three outfits, they didn't dare to approach them. They just looked at them from a distance, and no one dared to step forward to disturb them.

Teacher, are those people really students of the Alchemy Academy? As they walked, a young man in a white shirt, jeans, and peaked cap asked in a low voice.

That's right, their identities can't be wrong, Zhao Zhao) They should be students who have just joined the academy, but their identities are not simple. Another young man next to the young man wearing a peaked cap spoke.

Well, I don't think their temperament is like that of ordinary people, and there seems to be some secret hidden in them. The young man continued to speak.

You are right, I noticed just now that their clothes and figures are definitely not like ordinary poor people. The man in the peaked cap also echoed Daohan. .

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