Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 617 Restoration Of Memory Fragments

He is also a very important profession, and the characteristic of this profession is that he can use his soul power to control his surroundings.

The soul power of a conjurer is very large, far exceeding that of ordinary wizards, so the power of this profession is very powerful, even stronger than that of ordinary wizards, so the value of this profession is very high.

However, because the number of wizards is too small, even such a profession cannot be obtained by everyone.

However, there is a memory of a wizard in Angelet's mind. This wizard was once a great nobleman, and his family's wealth was very rich, so his soul power was also very strong.

There is a powerful incantation text in his soul. Although he doesn't have many incantation texts, it can make the sorcerer's incantation more powerful.

Since I can't practice spells yet, I might as well learn other professions. After reading the content on the stele, Angelet couldn't help thinking secretly.

The soul of a conjurer is the most precious. I must find a way to get him, and then collect him. I can use the soul to summon other conjurers in the future. In this case, my strength will definitely be greatly improved. .

Thinking of this, Angelet began to search for the information of the conjurer's soul in his own soul.

The soul of a conjurer is a very special kind of soul power. Only people with a special physique can cultivate it. This special physique does not refer to ordinary people.

But someone with a certain talent for witchcraft. For example, the sanctuary powerhouse among the wizards, such as the devil king among the wizards, etc., are all people with powerful souls.

Sure enough, there are many records of conjurers, and these conjurers are relatively powerful. Soon [Ange found the records of Master Xu from the soul.

Some of the conjurers here are not very powerful, but there are also some conjurers who are very powerful. Their soul power is very special, and there are even many powerful conjurers who are in the field of conjuration. Achievements are also higher than ordinary people.

It seems that I have to find a conjurer with a strong soul to practice conjurations first! Seeing this, Angelet couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face, and then he continued to read the conjurations teacher's record.

Going all the way down to the end, I finally saw a very obscure incantation.

This is the soul contract, and this contract is the way to use the soul contract to communicate with the magician. This contract can connect the magician with the person who casts the contract.

As long as someone has soul communication with this person, he can find out where this person is by following the clues. Angelet couldn't help but feel a twitch when he saw the end.

The reason why he was able to find the records of these spells from the stone tablet was because this stone tablet was originally a part of his memory, and now he only needed (good Zhao) to find the soul imprint in the memory fragments.

Then use his means to put together the memory fragments, and then use his own memory fragments to repair, so that the memory can be put together again, which is similar to when he reunited his soul on the body.

Although this is only temporary and the effect is not very ideal, as long as there is enough time, he can recondense his soul into a complete body.

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