There are a lot of treasured spell books here, but these spell books are the most basic spells, if you don't have a very thorough understanding of spells, you can't learn the spells here at all. After reading a few spell books, Angelet shook his head and sighed softly.

The spells here are very basic, but each spell is extremely precious, but the spells here are not very powerful, as long as he can understand some fur, then he can also learn the spells here, These all need to be accumulated slowly.

In this case, let's try the spell here first. Angelet thought.

His soul is very powerful, and he has enough time to slowly study the spell books here, so he is not in a hurry, as long as he can improve his soul

So it doesn't matter how long it takes.

Among all the books on this stele, Angelet found a tome of spells called "Book of Spells".

There are many spells recorded in the "Book of Spells". This spell is also a very high-end spell. If you can learn this spell, it will definitely be of great help to his combat effectiveness and can enhance his combat power. calendar.

This spell is called "Mysterious Ghost Summoning", which is a relatively advanced witchcraft summoning spell. As long as it is cast, a mysterious ghost can be summoned, and then the mysterious ghost can be controlled to fight.

This spell needs the support of soul power to be able to cast it, and it needs to consume a lot of mental power. Once it is cast, the soul power will be greatly weakened.

If the soul power cannot be restored, then the soul will suffer severe damage. Angelet flipped through the contents of the "Book of Spells".

Angelet flipped through the contents recorded in the book of spells. This mysterious ghost summoning spell is very powerful, and this mysterious ghost summoning spell needs to consume a lot of soul power.

Ordinary soul power simply cannot withstand such a loss, so this mysterious ghost summoning technique is generally difficult to perform.

And the mysterious ghost summoning spell recorded in the "Book of Spells" is also very powerful, if it is successfully cast. Even mages of the same level cannot resist it, and can even easily kill a high-level soul mage.

Moreover, there is still a flaw in casting this mysterious ghost summoning spell, that is, the soul of the caster must be damaged to be able to cast this mysterious ghost summoning spell. Once the casting of this mysterious ghost summoning spell fails, the soul of the caster will be hit hard.

0…ask for flowers………

If I can learn this mysterious ghost summoning spell, my strength will definitely increase a lot! Angelet thought to himself, although his soul is a strong man in the sanctuary.

But he doesn't feel that his soul is stronger than the soul of Sanctuary, if he doesn't rely on his powerful soul. And with those powerful soul contracts, he didn't dare to try this mysterious ghost summoning spell rashly. After all, this mysterious ghost summoning spell is very dangerous.


In this case, I will give this mysterious ghost summoning spell a try. After thinking about it, Angelet decided to try this mysterious ghost summoning spell once.

Angelet chose a spell book here. Open the book and start looking up the spell, then type the spell into your mind.


There was a strong buzzing sound, and then a black figure appeared in front of Angelet. It was a black titan. Titan looks very strange. There are two arms on his back. His limbs are very slender. They look like a branch. It is a very strange image. The two arms on his back are full of sharp barbs. Looks very scary. .

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