So try it now and hope it works. Angelet secretly thought in his heart.

Angelet did as soon as he thought of it, and immediately sat on the stone slab, closed his eyes, and entered a state of meditation. Soon, Angelet fell into meditation.

Angelet closed his eyes and began to feel everything around him. After feeling the thick dark element around him, he immediately began to absorb this thick dark element.

As the dark elements are absorbed, the surrounding dark elements become thinner and thinner, and finally disappear completely.

So, have I succeeded? Haha! I really succeeded, and I have finally practiced this spell. My soul power has finally increased, haha!

After Angelet felt that the dense dark elements around him disappeared, he felt a burst of joy in his heart, and his soul power finally increased.

Now my soul power can transform soul power into pure soul power. Moreover, the current soul power is stronger than the previous soul power! Angelet thought excitedly.

Then he slowly opened his eyes, and a layer of faint white mist began to appear on the surface of his body.

Is this the soul power? Sure enough, it is extremely powerful, and it is able to transform the rich dark elements around me into my soul power. Angelet said in amazement.

Then Angelet slowly opened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him.

At this time, his eyes had turned white, and there was still a layer of golden light shining.

Haha! Finally made it again. Angelet said happily.

In this way, as long as I can cultivate the legendary soul power, my strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and when I meet those dark monsters again, I will have enough strength to fight them! Angelet's eyes showed anticipation color.

Brother Angelet, you finally woke up. We searched the stone room just now but didn’t find you. Where did you go? Why didn’t we find you after searching for a long time? Seeing Angelet wake up, Estes hurried up asked with concern.

I... just now I was bitten by a group of monsters while I was sleeping, so I hid and waited until the wound healed before coming out. Angelet explained.

So that's the case, let's get out of here now. After hearing what Angelet said, Estes nodded, and then said to Angelet.

Angelet and Estes then walked out of the huge stone room.

When the two of them walked out of the stone room, they immediately found the river not far away.

Is this the river? Angelet looked at the river in front of him with a puzzled expression on his face. Then he looked around and found that it was pitch black, and he couldn't see the surrounding environment at all, nor could he tell the direction.

This should be the river. Estes said.

That being the case, let's go to the river to take a bath first. Angelet walked towards the river ahead (Zhao? Zhao) after speaking.

Huh? Brother Angelet, wait for me. Estes saw Angelet walking straight away, and hurriedly followed, and then walked towards the river with Angelet.

The river is very shallow, only a few meters wide. Under the water, you can see layers of gravel floating on the water.

On both sides of the water, there are towering trees with lush branches and leaves.

Angelet slowly cleaned up her clothes by the river. .

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