Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 626 The Latest Style Of Equipment

Ahem....I mean, I want to buy a set of gear for wizards. Angelet said awkwardly.

After hearing Angelet's words, the girl's expression changed, but she soon returned to normal. She smiled lightly and said, "Sir, I think you should know that wizard equipment is very expensive. You must buy a suitable set." Is it for wizard equipment?

That's right, I'm sure I want to buy a set of equipment suitable for wizards. What kind of equipment do you have here? Angelet asked quickly.

Yes, this way please. The girl smiled and held out her hand to Angelet.

Angelet followed the girl and walked inside.

The things in this store are very messy, all kinds of materials are placed all over the floor, and Angelet is stunned and dazzled by the dazzling array of things.

Sir, this is the latest style of equipment here, you can take a closer look, there are many choices. While introducing, the girl led Angelet to the counter

The counter is full of cloth bags of various colors, with various witchcraft patterns printed on them. Angelet took a cursory glance and found that these were ordinary equipment, but they were much higher-end than the ordinary equipment he usually saw.

The girl recommended the equipment on the counter to Angelet one by one, and finally she picked up a black metal plate and handed it to Angelet.

Sir, this black iron plate records the witchcraft props of our store. It can help you improve your mental power, and it can provide you with a certain range of vision and ear sensing. It is a very practical equipment. The girl said to Angelet with a smile on her face.

After listening, Angelet took the iron plate handed to him by the girl.

Let me choose a piece of wizardry equipment that suits me first. Angelet said.

Well, the witchcraft equipment in our store is calculated according to the price. If you can beat the price by five hundred silver coins, we will give you the witchcraft equipment you need. said the girl.

What!? Five hundred silver coins?! After hearing what the girl said, Angelet was taken aback. He didn't expect this equipment to cost five hundred silver coins.

You know, this is a witchcraft prop used only by the demons, and it is so expensive.

Yes, if you think it is expensive, then you can consider changing it. The girl said to Angelet with a smile.

It's okay, I bought it! Angelet said without hesitation.

Hehe, sir, since you want to buy it, please pay for it, so that you can avoid the service fee of our clerk. the girl said with a smile.

Hearing the girl's words, Angelet quickly took out a stack of bank notes from his arms and handed them to the girl. After the girl took the bank notes, a bright smile appeared on her face. After receiving the bank notes, the girl began to pack them up at 930 The counter stuff comes.

I like this witchcraft equipment very much, can you wrap it up for me? Angelet looked at the girl and asked.

Okay, sir, please wait a moment, I'll wrap it up for you right away. The girl nodded quickly, turned around and began to prepare for packing.

Soon, the packing was done, and Angelet took the wand in his hand after paying for it.

Mr. Angelet, please follow me. The girl smiled and said to Angelet, and after she finished speaking, she took the lead towards the stairs. Angelet followed the girl to the second floor, and the girl led him to a door. After knocking on the door, the door was quickly opened, and a middle-aged man walked out of it. .

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