Is that so? Angelet breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Mr. Carter's words. It seems that this task was completed quite quickly, and he didn't encounter any danger.

Then sir, your witchcraft apprentice salary has been settled, please check it. Mr. Carter handed the money to Angelet.

Ok. Angelet took a bank card that Mr. Carter handed him. Looking at the numbers on the card, I felt instantly better. There were a total of two hundred and nine "seven six seven" and ten gold coins.

Well, let's go, I'll take you to the hotel to take a rest, you need to rest for a day now, and your witch power will be able to recover tomorrow morning. Mr. Carter spoke.

Angelet didn't refuse, after all, he really needed a good night's rest now, and his injury also needed recuperation.

Ok. Angelet nodded, and then left behind Mr. Carter.

After returning to the room, Angelet washed up, then lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, after Angelet woke up, he opened the window to breathe fresh air, and then prepared to continue on his way.

At this moment, Angelet suddenly felt a strong stench coming from his nostrils.

Vomit~~ Angelet covered her mouth and rushed directly into the bathroom.

vomit vomit~~

Angelet retched while throwing up, there was nothing in his stomach to spit out.

He raised his head and wiped the corner of his mouth. At this time, there was a knock on the door.

come in. Angelet said weakly.

Sir, breakfast is ready. A maid in a white shirt, blue jeans, and white canvas shoes walked into the room, carrying two bowls of rice.

thanks. Angelet took the food, sat on the edge of the bed, picked up a patty and ate it.

Looking at Angelet who was eating deliciously, the maid showed a smile. She also picked up the chopsticks on the table and started to eat breakfast.

Ok. Taking a bite of the bread, Angelet nodded in satisfaction.

The maid's breakfast is very simple, just a few slices of roasted chicken legs, with a glass of milk, and a plate of vegetable salad.

But this simple breakfast is already very satisfying to Angelet, he hasn't eaten breakfast for a long time now, this simple thing makes him feel very familiar.

After breakfast, Angelet explained a few words to the maid, and then walked out of the hotel with the package...

Walking on the street, Angelet couldn't help sighing: life is so pleasant now!

Now that he has recovered from yesterday's panic, he knows that he is not in any danger, so he feels relieved.

He can give up his profession now, and he only needs to concentrate on learning other knowledge. He believes that he can definitely become a very good witchcraft apprentice, as long as he is willing to work hard, he believes that he can definitely do it.

However, where should I find my friends in this city? I promised them that I would help them solve their troubles! Angelet frowned, looking distressed.

Alas~! 0.1 Angelet sighed.

He has no choice now, except for waiting, he can't think of other ways at all.

He also has a home and cannot go back, so he can only stay in the hotel temporarily.

Sir, are you still going to the auction today? A young man wearing a white shirt and blue jeans asked Angelet. .

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