Stepping out of the glowing portal was a young man with dark short spiky hair and pale white eyes that seemed to shine with the light of curiosity, It was Layton he had been sent to School city by Makarov through the portal Makarov had opened, he didn't carry any luggage with him as what meagre possession he had were in the plain black ring on his finger that housed the wreckage of the nascent plane but was also temporarily serving as a storage ring.

Looking around Layton discovered he was in a square a location that also seemed to serve as an exit and entrance to the School city numerous humanoid figures walked in and out of the square as glowing portals emerged and dispersed delivering individuals to their destination.

The figures were humanoid because Layton wasn't sure what to call most of the figures that were wandering around, there were cyclops walking around, humans with orc like characteristics such as animal ears or tails, humans with animal heads, giants, ghosts, gnomes, elf's, basically, Layton could find all mythical creatures that were fantasied about on earth here, the only exception was that all although still possessing alien characteristics such as the orcs or cyclops with one eye or the other figures with numerous arms or legs, all figures were still humanoid in form.

Layton went away from the somewhat busy square and stayed in the corner gazing upon the surrounding when suddenly a palm rested on his shoulder frightening him, Layton had not been aware when anyone had come that close to him, it should be noted that with Layton's current perception even a normal legend who wasn't doing his best to hide his traces would still be noticed by Layton, if not by his perception but by his intuition, this meant the figure behind him was likely an individual at the peak of the legendary stage or even possibly a deity.

Layton who wanted to find a sense of security tried synching with the ring on his finger when a lazy masculine voice sounded from behind him "Relax this is school city, its almost impossible for anyone to attack you here," the voice paused for a moment and then continued after perceiving his words might not be persuasive "Pay attention to your surrounding I'm sure you should already feel the influence of the space."

Layton who heard these words frowned, he had noticed when he wanted to synch with his ring earlier that his spirits weren't moving as smooth and swift as it should be but he had just thought it was the influence of the practitioner behind him but now that he heard those words he had feeling it might be something else entirely.

Layton thought for a moment and the punched forward, although the speed was there it wasn't shocking, it was like a casual punch done by any skilled mortal nothing extraordinary, it was this punch that made Layton notice the problem, although he didn't major in strengthening his body but with his current body strength it was a breeze for his fist to stir the winds in the atmosphere but his punch did no such thing this time.

Layton frowned tightly and released his psionic trying to connect with his magnetic field but he found the field was closely connected to his body and unable to expand, trying another test he agitated this tight field to create and simulate electricity, only some sparks of blue light randomly appeared on his palm.

"The space here is tightly locked, layers upon layers stacking on each other interlocking in a peculiar way giving it amazing solidity so although the energy around is abundant you can't easily harness it, for example, the lightning you just tried, normally with its emergence a little bit of the surrounding energy and electron would be spontaneously attracted increasing its power but now because of the space peculiarity this cannot be achieved, the same goes for the strength of the body, the molecular bonds in the air are too strong for your strength to exert much influence even your spiritual power can't travel at normal speeds and exert much influence here."

Layton knew the stranger was right although he could still feel and see the ubiquitous numerous energy floating around but he couldn't influence them, even his psionic was unable to replenish itself by absorbing the numerous information in the air and the brainwaves of numerous individuals that passed by, he could only rely on time for his psionic to naturally recover or make use of the ring on his finger, feeling that he could still connect with the ring Layton slight insecurities were relieved, he turned to gaze at the person who had been speaking to him this whole time, it was a brown haired individual with shoulder length hair he had bags under his eyes that seemed to symbolize the individual's extreme lack of sleep and his eyes were a lazy brown, his whole body exuded a weird hazy aura as if he would disappear from reality the next moment.

"I'm Isaac, a friend of Solace," Isaac said as he gave a slight simile to Layton, Just when Layton was wondering how Isaac knew he was coming in today, Isaac suddenly answered apparently guessing Layton's thoughts,

"I am a member of the wizard seed program and I saw your name at the association on the list of new arrival's so I decided to come pick you up and show you around."

"Show me your mage net login." issac stated getting down to business, Layton didn't resist and did as he was told he stretched forth his wrist, and on his skin, a band of silver light appeared it was the connector to the mage net, although Layton had hardly used the device he always kept it on him at all times.

Isaac waved in front of the band of silver light and then stated "I have registered your information; congratulations you are officially admitted into school city." Layton gazed at his wrist as a virtual screen popped up with a prompt displayed on it 'Welcome to school city.' Layton quickly waved the prompt away and followed Isaac who was beckoning towards Layton as he was slowly walking away.

"Here is the market, the square is the entrance and exit for non-admitted individuals in the school city, with your mage net you can access the school's teleportation network to arrive at your destination but I advise you not to use them unless you have credits to spare." Isaac stated pointing to the numerous busy stalls that were dotted around.


"Yes credits, it's the currency for students, not all lectures are free and most associations require credits before you can make use of their devices or their research results, you can gain credits by undergoing tasks, submitting research papers, spells or techniques etc. but as a wizard seed you don't have much problem, wizard seeds are granted 100 credits every month, of course, it is not unconditional after all wizard seeds need to undergo a mandatory plane erosion every year."

"Wait what is a plane erosion like?" Layton inquired after all the only plane travel he had experienced was the test for the wizard seed and he figured no matter how similar the test was to the real thing it would still not be the same.

"Well it is mostly like the test you experienced except the randomness of the plane you get greatly increases, although the test was also random but the range had been reduced making sure whatever plan was chosen would not have any power above legend, so in a real mission don't be surprised if you get thrown into a plane with deities roaming about and they immediately discover your presence the wizard world dimension eroder has never been known for its achievements in subtlety and concealment."

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