119 Plan

A shirtless muscular bald man with milky white skin was sitting cross-legged in a peculiar plain white room, billows of heat and strong vitality escaped from him as faint crackles and waves could be heard coming out from his body, as time passed numerous small circular red spots appeared staining his skin in peculiar positions, they weren’t acupuncture points per se but peculiar points in the blood circulatory system where most of the different veins, arteries and other vessels intersected with one another.

From the unconscious twitches of his body and the hurried breathing one could tell he was in extreme pain but not a word or groan came out of his lips, as time passed what seemed like a wall opened and in came a pale eyed young man with short spiky black hair dressed casually in a blue vest and trousers taking spoonful’s out of the yoghurt cup he held in his smooth palms.

“So how’s it” Layton’s voice echoed in the silent room.
Shi Chen who was sitting cross-legged was silent as his breathing slowly became even and the red spots and turbulent vitality slowly calmed down, he opened his sky blue eyes that seemed to glow with infinite enthusiasm and expectation and slowly spoke with confidence filled in his voice “pretty good, I think we begin.”

Layton who heard these words did not reply just waved towards a part of the wall and a holographic screen emerged displaying numerous data and a human body diagram filled with numerous indicators, he fiddled with the screen for some time with his free hands zooming in and scrolling through the numerous indicators and data crosschecking it looking for any flaws or omissions that may occur after being satisfied with his findings he took another spoon of his cup yoghurt turned towards Shi Chen and slowly stated, “well everything checks out, we can proceed with the plan.”

The plan was simple Shi Chen’s blood already contained minute traces of his will and naturally his control over it was good, making use of this phenomenon blood would be concentrated in these peculiar calculated points and controlled to form a whirlpool, Increasing the strength of the whirlpool in these peculiar points the circulatory system of the body would be greatly hindered basically crashing coming to a complete stop, the near death environment would bring out the rest of his will further merge it with his failing body keeping him alive and then using the merged will to reverse the whirlpool which would now produce a sort of compressed and refined blood which would flow back into the circulatory system the resulting speed of the blood flow, the minute difference of the refined blood due to different positions of the whirlpool in the body, the clash of different types of runes hidden in the blood coupled with the exuberant presence of his will would result in a collision which in turn creates a spark which would ignite the blood and the runes hidden in them compelling a breakthrough via the sacred flame.

It sounded simple but it was in fact very complex the first and obvious hurdle was the calculation of the points where the whirlpool would be formed, it was not just a random placement, the points needed to be calculated and positioned in a mysterious array which would ensure once the process started the whirlpools would influence each other and keep on their specified speeds without slowing down or causing the other points to stop spinning, the second hurdle was making sure the will of the body would be drawn out within that short time frame, and lastly that the will of the subject was strong and stable enough to reverse all the whirlpools at once.

Layton got the idea from watching the painter’s life story that was shown during the first wizard department core lecture he attended, it had been several months since then and through a lot of calculations and attendance of other classes, this plan was slowly formed and put into action.

The core of the whole plane was based on the act of the plane using rules to crush and expel the painter’s runes, this was similar to what was going to be happening in Shi Chen’s body, the body is a small universe of its own, Layton hoped to use the whirlpool and array to simulate and force a closed change in the rules of the small universe that was the body, each whirlpool would create a similar but different rule and when the whirlpool reversed and fed back the finished product the small universe of the body would naturally react and make use of its own rules to try and crush the different phenomenon and when it was quickly understood that the new products couldn’t be suppressed and expressed naturally the only possible option was evolution and adaptation, a merger and cohesion of all different rules and the sacred flame was the best and basically the only option to achieve this effect at optimum speeds, and so the body’s natural instinct would promote the emergence of the sacred flame from the spark that emerged through the clash of different rules.


Shi Chen goal from the very beginning was to possess the scared fire himself and use it to temper his body and will in order to break through to the legendary stage, and so it was not necessary for the fire to exist in his mind or for it to exist for a long period of time as long as the goal was achieved so coupled with Shi Chen accumulation Layton was sure the plan would result in the emergence of the sacred flame and that during the process Shi Chen’s body and will would be tempered to the extreme.

Layton took a few steps back, dropped the cup of yoghurt he was holding on a raised platform that emerged from the floor walked back towards the projected screen and gave a nod to Shi Chen.

Shi Chen took a deep breath closed his eyes and started, they had discussed every part of the plan in the last few months and both he and Layton thought this was the closest they would get to perfection, Layton had obviously done his part and now all that was left was Shi Chen’s determination and will to breakthrough.

Slowly the tiny dots appeared once again on his body, the billowing vitality that was escaping from his body as a result of him agitating his blood quickly condensed into those peculiar points, leaving him in a peculiar half dead and alive state, his skin quickly grew wrinkled as the vitality was slowly compressed and focused in the peculiar points.

Layton glanced at this scene indifferently, the projected screen quickly displayed numerous data and indicators and from the looks of things everything was going according to plan, in fact, Layton wasn’t worried about the failure of the plan he had spent a while with Shi Chen and a genius like him naturally possessed the determination and will to complete the process, Layton was only observing to make sure no uncontrollable accidents occurred.

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