A figure was seen strolling through the forest, he had an air majesty around him and gave off the feeling that everything around was meant to serve him, where ever the figure passed the twigs branches and any other obstacles in its path seemed to automatically give way.

The figure walked into a clearing that revealed a huge lion like monster with scales covering its body and spikes as manes. The monster was staring at the figure with alert and it had its body tense ready to attack to eliminate the creature that gave it a huge sense of threat before it moved suddenly the monster felt the whole world seemed to press upon him forcing him to go down, its innate pride forced it to keep trying to stand up, its action caused its scale like skin to crack and its blood started to seep out and its bone were already creaking before it noticed the human figure had already come to its front, the figure's palm rested on its head, that palm was last straw and its weight couldn't help but collapse on itself blood spurted out of its mouth and the creature lost consciousness.

Layton was shirtless with and his trousers were already shattered leaving it only at short length, his well sculpted upper body was stained with blood and various weapon marks on his body, he had just come back from annihilating the hunter tribes outpost that had hunted him down before, he came to this monster because it had a fierce name and attacked whoever entered its territory, so Layton came her to subdue and rest here for a while, he wasn't worried that the monster would attack him when it recovered consciousness because as long the monster had been defeated with domineering overlord it wouldn't have the courage to attack him again.

Layton found a comfortable position on the monsters body closed his eyes and started to remember the battle he had with the hunting tribe to check his deficiencies.

An hour earlier Layton had finally tracked down the hunter tribe outpost, he was full of confidence and wanted to test the results of his insights and he wanted to use battle as a catalyst as a pressure to finally complete his imprinting.

Layton activated his rune slightly and then converged his spirit and perception tightly covering his body reducing his presence to the minimum and collecting whatever minute fluctuations or aura he was normally inadvertently giving so as to achieve the purpose of stealth.

As he did so Layton's figure became blurry and there were no more sounds or footprints he was like a ghost, the spell he just used was one that did not use much spirit, most of the burden was placed on his concentration.

Layton walked up to the tribes residence, it was just a small clearing with sharp sticks centered around like a wall, there was only one makeshift building in the whole tribe which he guessed was the chiefs residence, the rest of the tribe were scattered around resting in the clearing using some trees and twigs as a make shift shelter from the elements, and various spears were littered around, there were about 20 or so in the clearing, Layton relaxed his concentration and the stealth like effect was lifted, the void creatures realizing his presence suddenly sprang up from their lazy state with amazing speed and stretched out for the nearest weapon and lunged towards him.

Layton seeing this gleamed with excitement and attacked the nearest tribe member who was a piecing a spear at him, he tilted his head doging the incoming stab and punched out sending the attacker flying back towards its companions.

Layton hadn't utilized his rune yet it was just some passive effects he had since he imprinted a lot more on his spirit during that night of enlightenment, he had combined all parts of the domineering into one again and that gave his spirit unimaginable weight, Layton guessed the reason for the surprising weight was because of his thoughts about what a king should have was the ability to bear the weight of the crown and this philosophy had manifested itself on his rune, he was under a lot of weight and pressure when the ability manifested, it had taken him a day to get used to it and control his body so that the weight would not affect him, the weight had already imprinted itself on his spirit mist and body so every movement he made would be a heavy one.

After repelling the first attacker Layton leaped forward dodging the spears that had been thrown his way and kicked towards the nearest tribe member close to him, the kick landed on its head and sent it face first smashing into the ground, Layton realizing that he was already surrounded fully urged his rune causing the environment to start twisting, the weight and gravity of the whole area started increasing exponentially destroying the shack, the makeshift building and even the wooden weapons they held couldn't stand the pressure and broke into pieces, the void tribe members were already planted in the dirt, no matter how hard they tried they couldn't move, Layton ignored them after confirming they had been crushed to death and walked towards the destroyed shack in the clearing he could sense that a vaguely threating person was in the ruins.

As Layton approached suddenly a figure faster than his eyes could capture leaped out and attacked, although his eyes couldn't see the attackers movements it didn't affect him too much because his perception that had spread out with the activation of the rune could clearly perceive the attack, as the figure was about to reach Layton's front suddenly the ground cracked, and the figure slowed down to reveal a four fingered figure holding a bone spear that was gleaming, the figure had weird tattoos all over his body and the spear he was holding emanated an aura of sharpness that made Layton feel threatened.

The figure Layton suspected to be the leader of this outpost was having difficulty moving as Layton had compressed his domineering to a smaller space to cover only him and the figure, Layton controlled the domineering and twisted the air madly to oppress the figure.

The leader was struggling as the air had solidified and felt like he was struggling in amber, the inexplicable pressure bombarded it from all directions unlike before when the pressure was just directed downward, the leader activated its trump card that the tribe voodoo doctor had inscribed on him.

Layton watched as suddenly with a shout the leaders tattoo's started glowing and its strength increased close to the limit of wizard apprentice in his perception, Layton felt the pressure and attacked immediately before the leader got any stronger, he always remembered in many movies the villain died because it didn't end the fight early, Layton fisted and suddenly the weight of the whole space shrouded in his domineering compressed to one point and centered on his fist, the leader stabbed his spear forward and suddenly its strength skyrocketed again almost becoming a wizard level strength.

Layton knew he couldn't fight head on so he opened his fist and patted the spear to shift its aim,

'domineering chaos'

Layton whispered under his breath and suddenly the environment in the leaders eyes stated to spin like a kaleidoscope further causing the spear to miss its aim and hit the floor with a bang causing dust to rise up.

Layton had used his domineering to control all sensory information and signals in the environment and mixed them up like a washing machine causing the illusion.

In the dust cloud a slight tearing sound was made and the cloud soon dispersed to reveal a shirtless and bleeding Layton with his fist running through the leader's rubber like chest.

Although the spear attack had missed Layton the force of the attack still left him with various injuries, and if he hadn't made use of the chance the leader was misled by the illusion to quickly kill him Layton might had not been able to walk out alive.

Removing his thoughts from his memories Layton quickly fell into sleep, he was too tired to meditate today, he decided he would head out later when he woke up and keep looking for more outposts like today to gain more experience.

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