126 Nicholas

“There was a homicide last night at the gradavier hotel the only casualty was a single individual,,,,,,”

The voice on the television set suddenly went off as the sleeping figure on the bed suddenly awoke and reached for the controller laying on the bed and turned off the electronic device that was mounted on the wall opposite the simple bed.

The figure on the bed who was dressed in nothing but boxer shorts and covered in perspiration that clung to his skin groggily got up and headed straight towards the door on the left side of the wall, which opened up revealing the bathroom.

‘Hiss’ hot steam appeared as the shower was turned on, soon in a matter of minutes the environment was filled with the water vapour, the hot soothing liquid lightly pricked his skin, the heat and warmth it brought cleared his mind and soothed his heavily aching temples.

Stepping out of the shower the figure stared absentmindedly at the mirror on the wall, looking back at him was pale face thin young man with short brown hair with a look of exhaustion almost written all over his face. The face was nothing exceptional not particularly handsome or ugly just a face that one could easily forget, the only highlighting was the pair of eyes that hug on the face, it was a pair of blue bright pupils that seemed to have a magnetic gaze attracting everyone’s attention but the dark circles that appeared around the eye caused by exhaustion seemed to reduce its attractiveness.
He had a dream again, he couldn’t remember his dreams, he couldn’t even remember all the details of what had happened the last night, it wasn’t that he was drunk or hangover but he had a special condition, he wasn’t exactly sure whether it was a medical problem or a curse on his mind, but since he became a teenager, his memories had become fragmented, small pieces missing here and there nothing too important but it was a nuisance nonetheless. He had sought help, medical, psychiatrists even professionals such as psychics who could flip through memories but none had been able to figure out what was wrong with him.

They could only attribute this bizarre occurrence to his talent, since he was a child he was overly sensitive to magnetic fields, it was guessed that his flaky memories were a result of his sensitivity to the numerous magnetic fields which grew stronger as his age progressed.

Shaking his head and throwing the thoughts out of his mind, Nicholas walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the dresser on the side of his bed where he put on his special spectacles which dimmed his overly bright pupils and reduced the meaningless chatter and noise that was ever-present in his hearing, simply arranging the clutter in his room he simply dressed up and headed out the door towards the school.

Nicholas’s home was not far away from the school, the walk to school every morning served as his habitual exercise and the walk was also a good way to clear his mind. He walked silently ignoring the neighbours or various pedestrians on the road, he wasn’t sure of what exactly he was thinking or pondering about, his mind just wandered freely giving him a feeling of refreshment and ease.


The passerby’s on the road who noticed his weird absent-minded gaze and indifferent expression gave him a respectful distance once they noticed the logo on the iconic uniform he wore, everyone knew what the logo meant, it signified that the wearer was a stellar student who attended the district school, a student who was basically guaranteed to become an elite professional and not just any elite but one that would be favoured by the federation and various other top forces.

Since the advent 30 years ago various cities have been grouped into districts with a school for each district teaching matters about professions, that is the way to become professionals, professionals not in the context of normal everyday jobs but professionals certified by the world itself and gaining extraordinary power.

Although before the advent things like professionals were like a badly kept secret but most people were not interested or involved in it, one was the qualification to become a professional was rare only 1% of the population could become professionals and even then because of the huge amount of occult and scientific knowledge involved they would either choose a wrong profession that didn’t match them stifling their potential unable to breakthrough to an elite or they would fail the basic steps of choosing a profession as their knowledge would be mismatched or simply not enough to choose a profession.

A professional who was not an elite could be easily dealt with by modern weapons and common mortals. And the other was that the individuals who had a complete safe path kept the professions in a state of monopoly only rarely absorbing their preferred geniuses from the general populous.

But that all changed with the event 30 years ago, the change in the world, the return of various legendary powerhouses, the enclosure of the gods, and the astral matter that fell to the earth totally changed the dynamics of the world, the numerous catastrophes and the help of various legends helped the government become the biggest winner in the chaos, forcing most of the closed families and organizations to put forward their inheritances, creating new professions and opening the knowledge to the citizens at large.

One thing was peculiar though although everyone knew there were various catastrophes, the actual event that occurred were not documented or spread, it was as if there was a block, an embargo on the transmission of the details of the specifics of the events, even till this day there were several small disasters that occurred but the details of it were not open to the general public no matter how hard one tried.

Nicholas who was still walking absent-mindedly suddenly stopped, the exhaustion and blandness left his eyes as he stared at the figure that had appeared in front of him, the surroundings felt different, the various sounds and colours seemed to dim and Nicholas felt like the surroundings were devoid of life but he noticed there was a figure in front of him dressed in what looked like a pair of hospital robes.

Nicholas felt the figure was familiar, the sense of danger he felt led him to quickly make use of his brain trying to remember where he had earlier met the figure, but he found that he couldn’t.

He could feel that the magnetic field the figure exuded was not one that belonged to life and was simply too chaotic to belong to any intelligent life, in addition, he noticed the black liquid that kept dripping from the holes where the eyes were supposed to reside in. Before Nicholas could think any further the figure letting out an unintelligible roar leapt at him.

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