130 Capture

A female figure suddenly emerged from the void frightening the few individuals around the area, her sudden unexplained appearance and the vague pressure she exuded did nothing to curb the situation even the few professionals in the crowd were terrified, a scowl was on the figure’s face as she looked around and a vague fluctuation exuded from her causing the frightened screams and gasps to go quiet.


Joan couldn’t help but curse in her heart, when she noticed the smile on Sandro’s face as he passed away she was vaguely aware something was wrong and unfortunately she was right as soon as the domain disintegrated following the demise of its creator Joan was immediately aware of Sandro’s manipulations, he had somehow manipulated the domain making time move slower in it, although from the beginning of the battle she was aware he was only there to stall her but she never expected this, although not a lot of time had passed probably only 20 minutes but it was still fatal, she didn’t even need to track down the suspect anymore she could see the vague smoke arising in the distance, with an annoyed sigh she leapt forward heading towards the scene.

As she soared through the air advancing rapidly towards her target she could vaguely hear the sounds of fighting and various gunshots, a few seconds later she arrived at the chaotic scene various infected individuals caused by an abnormal increase in black mud were fighting the armed forces around, it was a team dressed in modern bullet proof armour carrying a normal looking firearm, that fire bullets which seemed to cause the advancing attackers to rapidly wither and die.
Joan was not surprised by their presence they were a part of the crow although not official members but they were an armed team sort of like a backup in case of instances like these where the official in charge of the incident was held up or otherwise occupied, although they were not frequently deployed but each member was a professional and possessed sufficient combat power coupled with their seemingly simple but rare equipment they were a force to be reckoned with.

Joan didn’t say a word she just descended right in the middle of the chaos surrounded by the remaining monsters which had not been cleared up, she was already annoyed and didn’t want to waste any more time before the trail of the individual she was searching for went cold and so she drew her blade from its sheath with simple but efficient movements the monsters were soon cut down by the exquisite blade light that was birthed from her weapon.

Ignoring the disintegrating bodies around her and she closed her eyes as she fully expanded her domain, the dilapidated battered surroundings were soon reflected imprinted in her mind, she was trying to find clues around to determine whoever was with the suspected Alaya fragment.

She was certain a battle had occurred here especially with the source of the infection that broke out from the police station, maybe it had not occurred in this layer of space but she was certain it was in this location which meant whoever won would need to come out from the previous layer of space in order to leave.

After a while she opened her shut eyes in resignation she was not able to find anything, she didn’t bother trying to look at the cameras because unless it was special equipment black mud would distort everything in its surroundings making technological equipment useless, she could only place a call to the headquarters asking them to follow the clues and find the suspect.


In a dark dilapidated room Nicholas woke up with a start, he couldn’t help but moan in pain as the slight movement of opening his shut eyelids seemed to magnify the constant pain he was feeling, most of his bones were misaligned and broken, his muscles torn, his organs aching and numerous cuts all over his body.

Trying to get a glimpse of his surroundings he found himself in a simple box shaped room with no visible windows or doors the only lighting came from the candle mounted on a nearby wall, he was tied to a cold granite slab filled with numerous tiny runes, he guessed they were there to imprison him and prevent him from using any extraordinary power, his restraints were pretty tight enveloping most parts of his body leaving only his head free to move around slightly but even then Nicholas did not try to move his injuries were serious and unnecessary movement would only aggravate the pain. Taking a deep breath, he tried to remember the events that led up to his current predicament hoping to find some useful clues.

He couldn’t remember much because he was not in control of his body at that moment he only emerged at the time the monster had rushed over and then he shut down his surface personality, at first he thought he was attacked because of his identity as the reaper but as the battle progressed and the strength of the monster kept increasing he knew something was wrong, although he was a fairly famous assassin he had always made sure to steer clear of trouble and never undertook arduous tasks, by the time he felt something was wrong with the situation it was too late, a sudden explosion resounded and the last sound he heard before losing consciousness was the sound of space shattering.

Slow but firm footsteps pulled him out of his reverie the darkly lit room suddenly brightened as a door opened and light from outside flooded into the room, stepping in was a handsome smiling man dressed in a formal suit, his facial features seemed to give one an illusion of closeness and trust but Nicholas felt a subtle weird and disgusting aura hidden behind the kind smile.

Moving in closely after the man was a dark-robed figure, the dark robe seemed to block out all the light not allowing anyone to see what was beneath it, the figure had no footsteps and seemed to move like a ghost as it moved silently into the room.

Nicholas seeing this cloaked figure couldn’t help but change his countenance slightly, although he was blocked from using any extraordinary power the shackles were not effective for his talent so he could still vaguely perceive the magnetic fluctuation of the figures in front of him, but the black-robed figure seemed to not exist at all as if it was nothing but an illusion, but the alarming sense of danger the figure brought as it moved into the room was wildly stimulating his nerves.

“You’re scaring my guest.” the smiling man said lightly the cloaked figure said nothing but the suffocating feeling Nicholas felt seemed to disappear.

Nicholas heaved a sigh of relief and stared at the smiling man his eyes recovering their cold and calm look and spoke lightly “What do you want”

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