145 Domain

“Hehe oh this, they are my collection from 30 years ago, you share a special bond with each of them, as one of the harbingers of star fall you happen to hold a very special position in each of their hearts.”

With his words the black smoke-like energy started to rapidly expand almost filling the entire area, ‘Grant’ who saw this scene knew this was basically Sandro expanding his domain and so he did the same, putting his hands on his waist he removed the cylinder shaped object hanging there and facing the open mouth downward he activated the devices surge of psionic energy gushing from its mouth to form a light sabre with a subtle fluctuation escaping from Grant as his domain expanded basically at the same time the necromancer’s domain was finally set up.
Sandro naturally noticed ‘grant’s movement but he didn’t make any move to stop it because it was unnecessary, he was very confident in his domain and he was sure during the clash even if his domain didn’t have an overwhelming advantage it wouldn’t be suppressed either, the clash of domains as Sandro put it was a process of two conflicting domains being spread out and colliding with each other, no two domains where the same even if they had the same external manifestations, two practitioners who built a realm of fire would still clash with each other even if the knowledge used to create the realms were the same the difference in wills, perception and state of mind would still be present.

The battle methods between two powerhouses at the legendary stage were simple, it started with the spread and clash of domains, domains of opposing attributes normally had an intense clash that would keep on draining the practitioner’s mind for as long as it was open, normally in cases like this both practitioners would choose not to leave the domain open and would only release them at short intervals and short range to increase the power of their moves or for those confident in their application and construction of their realm the attribute clash and suppression wouldn’t affect them at all, after all, there were many complex factors that had more sway over the domains strength apart from attributes.

Sandro lightly felt the environment and tried to grasp some information about ‘Grant’s’ domain during the short time of their initial domain clash he could feel that the invisible psionic energy had filled the environment suppressing everything in its vicinity, this suppression did have much effect on Sandro, to him it was more like the air and spatial resistance had increased apart from that he didn’t feel anything much, Sandro didn’t waste any more time ruminating over it and made his move.

While Sandro was grasping information about ‘grant’s’ domain, he was doing the same, he could feel the smoke like energy that spread around where the core of the domain and various attributes such as soul, pain and hatred could be perceived but strangely the attribute of death was absent which puzzled ‘grant’ unfortunately he didn’t have the opportunity to think further as Sandro started attacking.

The black smoke that lingered in the area symbolizing Sandro’s domain moved and various chaotic and resentful whispers spread around, numerous painful faces emerged as they glided towards ‘grant’ with hatred evident in their screams and shrieks, taking a slight step forward ‘grant lightly swung his light sabre forward dispelling the grotesque creature, psionic was originally energy biased towards the soul and so it was easy to affect the resentful ghosts that lingered around, with swift and accurate movements he lightly cleared the creatures around him but the smoke like energy did not reduce if anything it seemed to increase and so did he resentful creatures that were created from it, their solidity, resentment speed and strength seemed to increase with every death.

Sandro watched as ‘grant’ slowly approached him despite the armies of wraiths and resentful souls in his path but he wasn’t worried, although presently he was not ‘complete’ but it didn’t matter his domain was far from simple. The reason ‘grant’ could not feel the attribute of death was because there wasn’t any, the wraith and resentful souls were never alive and so why would they ever experience death in the shallow sense, the damage ‘grant’ was exerting was simply scattering the soul particles of the wraiths making it unstable unable to have a solid structure but even then this unstable structure was still of use to Sandro, the unstable structure of the wraiths allowed the necromancer to modify and merge with other fragments allowing him to squeeze more and more energy out of its destruction making it exert greater power with each cycle, what was interesting was the fact that necromancer himself was also a part of this cycle.

From all directions various attack came towards him sharp claws, fists, screams each movements of the creatures affecting his soul but his defense remained airtight, the lightsaber twirled around gracefully leaving its unique humming sound as it blocked the attacks, with each collision ‘grant’ via his ever present domain gained more and more insight into what he was facing as so it became easier for him to predict block and even counterattack as the attacks increased in intensity, the reason the necromancer did not gain much information from the initial collision of their fields was because the knights field was actually very simple, it was simple amplification, psionic is a very peculiar energy in that its extremely malleable, its characteristics being that it enabled the mind to affect reality, and so there was no need for any fancy or complicated changes to his domain, as long as he wanted to he could simply achieve it the only thing holding him back was his knowledge and energy which were supplemented by the amplification effects of the domain, normally it would take a lot of energy to defend against these numerous and targeted attacks but the knight was unfazed he simply continued to block and disintegrate the attacks with flood of psionic energy he wasn’t worried about his stamina and if possible he wanted to keep the necromancer away from the center as long as possible, however the next second ‘grants’ calculation failed as a sense of danger hit him, a pale palm appeared behind him, violating the behavioral patters and predictions he had made concerning the movement of the wraiths, the palm left a billowing trail of trail of smoke and toxic soul energy as it headed straight towards the psionic knights spine.


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