151 Return

Layton’s intuition told him something was missing, he rechecked the information he had gotten but found nothing, he then proceeded to scan the psionic energy that had reanimated him and sure enough, he found something, hidden in the surges of the psionic was a message.

An audio message was generated directly in his mind and grants unique voice was soon heard

“By now you have probably found some weird places in the information you received, instead of me telling you everything I will tell you the cause, after all, you have to do some work even if it’s just mental can’t have you becoming lazy now can we..”
Layton knew this was mainly ‘grant’s’ way of venting his negative emotions after all no matter how it was carefully designed, no matter how indifferent to life or existence it was, it would still feel some negative emotions about having to die, even Layton suspected the relinquishing of his authority to Mara was most likely just another way of venting its emotions, even if his guess was wrong Layton wasn’t that worried, after all in the worst case scenario he would just give up the ring and allow the eroder to send him away, when he became stronger he would naturally come back to get his things.

Layton who was engrossed in his thoughts naturally ignored ‘grant’s’ ranting until it seemed he had collected his emotions and got back to the topic.

“Well basically there is an important relic behind the establishment of the federation, I don’t know when it appeared or how long it has been in the plane but a corpse of an angel suspected of being higher than a deity rests here, Its existence is covered up instinctively only those that had contact with it can be aware of its existence, the first leader of the federation was lucky enough to have a rare physique that could sync with high objects, much like a sacrificial priest and by a stroke of luck he synced with the corpse, the technological boom and advantage of the federation till this day mostly comes from the scraps the leader had been able to gain from its body.”

Layton hearing this naturally remembered the female he had observed in that secret base, coupled with the new information he could naturally guess that she possessed the same type of talent if not the stronger type of talent that the federation founder possessed and naturally the act of creating such a profound weapon in a short time could be explained, even the stupid act of that rouge part of the plane will could be understood, after all, if it was aware of the existence of the corpse it wouldn’t be stupid enough to possess that body when cherry’s body was near. It was for this same reason that grant had to use such a hidden way of informing him, only because of the peculiarities of the ring was Layton able to receive the message without harm, without the ring he would not have even found something was wrong in the first place.

“By now things should have started to make sense, I would advise you to leave as fast as you can, my last actions should have created the psionic sea which is much like the psionic sun you earlier created except that unlike the star which makes use of its gravity to absorb the current thoughts of an individual in the plane the sea was making use of the thoughts, imprints and obsessions of the past coupled with the escaping rays of the star that had been stored on the earth to form an aggregation of psionic energy that will only grow as time passes.” ‘Grant’ said with pride evident in his tone when he talked about the psionic sea.

Layton had already perceived the existence of the psionic sea, it was formed as a result of the earlier psionic surge, and made use of the vast amount of thoughts, history and civilization that occurred on the plane, such actions would most likely soon cause complications as a vast amount of resentment also resided in the depths of the earth. ‘It’s probably why he handed over the control of the star to that woman, with a little adjustment the resentment in the sea would actually be evaporated and absorbed by the star’. ‘Grant’s’ voice continued not giving Layton time to continue his thoughts


“According to my agreement with them the psionic sea I awakened in the world would also strengthen the connection between cherry and the corpse allowing more and more characteristics of the body to be opened up to her coupled with the existence of a legendary martial artist by the name of Joan who is also aware of the existence of the corpse and deeply trusted by the federation and aborigines of the plane, the situation will only become more complicated as time goes on.”

With those words, the message ended abruptly but Layton did not make any further actions just stayed in the ring motionless as he turned his perception to what was happening on the surface of the plane and observing the psionic sea that was rapidly forming, it wasn’t that he didn’t heed the advice given to him but that he was waiting for the right moment, and he was sure it would come soon after all the plane was in chaos and the aborigines especially the girl should be rushing to find a way to calm everything down, Layton’s confidence was not in the aborigines or cherry, his confidence was in the corpse that was slowly being strengthened with every passing moment.

Sure enough, he was right as loud consecutive booms appeared in different locations around the plane at the same time as various space passages appeared transporting a peculiar antenna-shaped device that started sending out bands of light as soon as it appeared, Layton didn’t really understand d the principle but with his vision he could see that the workings of the device was similar to the weapon she had deployed against the polluted part of the plane will earlier.

Using his spirit to push the psionic around he activated the runes he had branded on the body of the ring, he did not need to conduct thorough research on them anymore as the finished product was already in front of him which was the boy the polluted part of the plane will had possessed earlier, although there existed some flaws in its application but Layton had already found what he wanted by contrasting the situation of the boy with the promotion of Shi Chen.

With the activation of the rune, Layton flooded the inscription with diverse amounts of psionic around overloading the inscription which was in turn destroyed as it activated leaving the ring to turn back to its bare plain state once more, then Layton in turn directed the results of the activation towards Nicholas, the spell resonated with his body and then via the connection he possessed with the plane will the spell was transferred to directly affect the plane will. The result created a shaking that could be felt by even the tiniest organism on the plane and Layton taking advantage of this used the psionic around to push the ring out of the merger with the earth and then completed the return procedure of the dimensional eroder.

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