159 Laws

It had been just a few days since Layton agreed to zero’s inquiry, the fight club was one of the freest organizations available to Layton now, other clubs for the main time either had several obligations that he would have to fulfil or were restricting in one way or the other, the fight club on the other hand like its name was naturally for fighting, it was a loose type of club, there existed numerous combat rooms where different members of the club sparred virtually for free the only catch was that the sparring could not be private and other members had the right to sit in and watch, the only reason Layton Lilith and zero were able to use a private sparring room was because zero’s brother was one of the heads of the fight club and so possessed such privilege.

As a legend, Layton wasn’t as strapped for time as before and he had naturally thought about joining a club, zero’s inquiry was his first invitation and to him, it didn’t really matter what club he joined as long it wasn’t a restrictive club that prevented him from joining other clubs if he wanted to, luckily the fight club wasn’t such an existence. The main reason zero made such an invitation was because the fight club would soon hold an activity on a large plane, although the qi luck, plane sources and causality would be the property of the fight club but every other thing on the plane would belong to the participants and could be exchanged for credits by the fight club, according to zero’s inside sources the plane was a haven for comprehension and application of laws.
For the past few days, Layton had been attending the free fundamental lectures open to legendary practitioners, the lectures weren’t anything too important they were mainly about tricks and application of the domain, ways to gain greater insight and adapt to different spaces and planar environment, knowledge that could be easily found with sufficient time and experimentation on the user’s part. The real precious classes needed a vast amount of credits to apply for which Layton was currently short off, the amount he had on hand was what was allocated to him as free gift from the school city when he advanced to legend. It had taken some time but he finally decided on the class he was going to sit for, it was an experimental discourse of the essentials of law which was beginning now. Layton manipulated his connector to transport him to the lecture room, he wasn’t the only one arriving just at the last moment as various other participants of the lecture teleported in and they all easily found a position to sit as the head of the lecture arrived some seconds later. The glasses wearing middle-aged man dressed in a lab coat simply started, “Laws, they can be simplified as a bundle of information a mystical formula outlining the various mysteries in the operation of existence, every single thing operates according to one law or the other, The law to an individual is simply a way of understanding the reality of the world, it is with this understanding that the practitioner can do almost impossible things, that isn’t to say those that don’t understand the law can’t perform these feats but it would take an immense amount of energy and effort to achieve it while those who understand the law can do so almost effortlessly.

“This also applies to those who ‘create’ a new law” he continued using air quotes as he pronounced the word create

“For ease of explanation laws can be divided into 2 states the innate law and the acquired law, acquired laws are basically created laws, In fact, the so called creation of a new law is roughly the same as comprehending an existing law, the law that is created is simply false, a sort of preposition as to how several existing phenomena can be explained, although it is false it also real, everything that exists in the mind exists somewhere in the void, whether in the past, present or in the future its existence remains the same, the reason these created laws posses power is that like all other laws they are interconnected with the basic laws of the universe and can draw power from them.

As the created laws grows more consistent with reality, the created law naturally becomes a real existence, by interacting in different various environments and plane, some planes and universes will naturally adopt these laws and inscribe them in their instinctual operations, a popular example of a created law that has inscribed into the operation of most planes in the entire void is the law of reincarnation, the simple processes of life, birth and death giving meaning and encapsulated into a simple law of reincarnation, of course at its present stage it is more appropriate to call it a concept but that is a story for another day.” Layton couldn’t help but recall the description of other famous laws in his memory, the law of tai chi, good fortune, opening up, kendo, and deduction, these were all most likely created laws but they had evolved to an unimaginable point that they became as real as innate laws, Layton couldn’t help but ponder between the relationship between acquired laws and the strong people in his memory according to his memory most if not all saints of the so called prehistoric world seemed to have created a law and majored in it, Layton didn’t have time to delve too deep into this he just kept this inspiration in his mind and continued to pay attention to the lecture.

“...the so called influence of the law on its surroundings is merely the aggregation of information that is considered part of the law the instinctual spread of this information in conflict with the normal state of things, it’s this conflict or clash that makes it difficult for law based weapons or attacks to be healed by normal means, and it’s this conflict that interferes with the perception of other types of laws.....

....... Even those who take a peculiar path of the body or like the martial artist would say prove Dao with strength also have a direct relationship with law, their very existence, the movement of their biological structure, tremors of their breathing and the impact of their existence are also a law, an interested party can comprehend the mysteries of their existence and perceive a law....

Note that the two divisions of law innate and acquired are not static and vary from place to place and from universe to universe, an acquired law can become an innate law and an innate law in one universe can become an acquired law in another.” He lightly concluded as he faded out of the lecture room, Layton immediately did the same as countless inspirations were flowing in his mind and he need to digest and integrate them, he also needed time to read some of the legendary phase practice content Makarov had left for him in the ring.


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