Wizard World:Struggles Of Dimensions

Chapter 164 - 164 Two parts of a whole

164 Two parts of a whole

Layton was aware of Lilith’s surprise but the situation in front of him wasn’t too bizarre as the mastermind behind its cultivation Layton was able to easily follow the traces and understand why it understood the law, it was nothing more because the current body was a world master as opposed to its original apprentice stage of cultivation, with his increase in cultivation it naturally awakened its talent which ‘discharge’ a fairly common talent belonging to the lightning branch of laws, this coupled with the enormous amount of bioelectricity it emitted naturally during the process of Layton cultivating it into a clone that its talent was repeatedly exercised, in addition to the special circumstance of the awakening of will it naturally grasped some fragments of the lightning law.

This wasn’t the only surprising feature of the body in front of them it was just that Lilith didn’t notice, the clone was basically another Layton, the individual Layton had basically been divided into two, his physical part and his spiritual part of course the representation wasn’t so clear cut but it served as a sort of division for one to clearly understand his present situation, in the piece of flesh he cut he had imprinted all the information he could condense, information concerning his genes, strength everything which represented his physique that could be gathered, this was then transferred into the body he procured from zero, the information much like an update to the operating system of digital devices started to override and take control of all activities of its new home shaping it in its image, his original body was converted to a more spiritually attuned form much like a ghost this was done naturally in order to deceive the rules of the plane forming a sort of paradox that the two bodies were merely one and the same ensuring the chances of the clone being exposed as a clone would be greatly reduced and allowing Layton to expertly perform modifications to the clone’s birthing process without leaving any traces.
It’s way of existence was unique, Layton’s first goal was for the information lodged in the piece of flesh to radiate and infuse itself in the underlying genome of the body this was achieved but the existence of its contact with lightning laws caused a change the biological magnetic field of the body was stronger than previously expected and the information no longer simply resided in the genes but swam freely in the body’s bio magnetic field, this meant that with his every interaction with the outside world with each breath he would naturally absorb information from the outside worlds magnetic field and use it to perfect himself literally growing stronger with every breath all this was governed and controlled by the will the body awakened, Layton’s original will now corresponded to the spiritual aspect and couldn’t interfere too much in the material except when covered by his domain while the clone’s will could easily do so allowing it to practice the path suggested by the plane will, the interaction with the clone’s magnetic field and the outside world was merely a way of practicing the path suggested by the planes will. Because the two wills were merely two parts of the same thing in close proximity they could be easily merged with each other without any sequela ensuring whatever changes occurred during the practice Layton could easily inherit it when and if he chose to do so.

The clone stood up from its previous sitting posture as some viscous liquid seeped out of his pores, the liquid quickly congealed to form a tight fitting suit to cover his nakedness, he turned to give Lilith a familiar smile as he took a step propelling him out of the range of the bright silver domain and into the mimicked ecosystem formed by black mud below, with another step in midair he appeared at the edge of Lilith’s domain and with his arms stretched forward he grasped the empty air and with a motion similar to tearing of fabric he tore open the space and left the domain.

The reason he was in such a hurry to leave was because the longer he stayed near the original Layton the tighter their connection would be and there stood a chance of their merger occurring without their permission, Zero appeared a minute after while Layton was filling Lilith in on the reason why his other self had left so rapidly, noticing the lack of an extra humanoid in the silver white space zero couldn’t help but turn to Layton, “You’re done?” she inquired softly trying to ascertain whether the humanoids absence was because of Layton’s failure or success.

“Yeah, not that long ago.”

“What about you?” Lilith couldn’t help but ask curiously as she directed the question to Zero, she had been interested as to what exactly Zero planned on doing in the plane since she hadn’t chosen to imprint her domain in a spatial fragment yet.

“Preparations are going well, once I am done setting you up, I can focus and the progress would be faster.” Zero responded skillfully still not divulging any tangible information about her plans.

“If you need any help just search for my other self, if all goes well in a few weeks he should be well known.” Layton informed Zero, although she hadn’t shared her plans with him Layton could guess it had to do with her unique ‘mystery’ energy and the fact that she hadn’t developed a rudimentary core law for its existence, after all, she wasn’t trying to go down a normal frequently traversed path and so the comprehension of normal laws apart from improving combat power was of little to use to her, it was for this reason that she stripped off the spatial laws she comprehended and embedded into a spiritual treasure bound to her entity in the form of daggers.


Layton didn’t possess such a dilemma as his path was relatively straight forward only those attempting to create a new type of energy like Zero needed to form a rudimentary form of core laws describing its nature, formation and attributes as soon as possible in order to ensure its stability and its uniqueness.

“I’m ready” Lilith suddenly said as she dissipated bringing Layton out of his thoughts, Layton wasn’t surprised as she disintegrated, she was nothing more than a projection of her mind sent from her body that had turned into the domain that housed the space they were situated in.

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