Solace stretched the arm holding the axe backward in a javelin throwing manner, the axe started absorbing the countless elements in the air and a stable sun appeared, the sun was not the same as others that appeared previously during their fight, this could already be regarded as a new celestial body if left in space, the light and fire elements had been arranged and fused in a manner that would simulate nuclear fusion of the elements it contained within, the sun got larger and brighter it seemed the sun was about to engulf him and most of the battlefield, but suddenly the sun contracted, getting smaller and smaller compressing all its energy inward, soon the sun disappeared and the axe reappeared looking as ordinary as ever even the gorgeous runes that covered its body was dull but by Solace strenuous grip one could imagine the weight and power that the plain axe contained and would exert once used.

Lin Wei after compressing all his sword intent held his sword with both arms and stood in an orthodox sword starting posture, this was the posture he used when he started his own sword style, he took a deep breath closed his eyes ignoring the tremendous fluctuations that solace had caused when compressing the sun, and when he opened them again, he lifted his sword above his head the simple movement caused his skin to tear and blood started seeping out his level 2 cultivation was not able to perfectly display the first move of his sword style forcibly performing it would fundamentally cause him grievous injuries not easy to heal, despite this he ignored his screaming body and still slashed forward calmly while whispering "blood sword art; blood stream" under his breath, almost simultaneously Solace moved the axe he had held in his hands forward, the movement formed cracks in his armor and even the space itself seemed to be creaking under the weight.

Layton watched the battle while staying in the tower, it was the first time he was witnessing the destructive power of the practitioners' in the world, Layton was sure if this battle had happened in earth he was familiar with half of the population of the earth would be dead by now, even in this world if not for the wizard tower suppressing the nearby space the battle would have already affected the outside world causing life to be extinct for miles and causing countless disasters, even now the nearby terrain surrounding the tower has basically been permanently altered.

The gorgeous and dangerous lights that flashed with every movement of the sword, the explosions that followed each axe cleave and the deadly aura that seemed to fill the air all made him fascinated and eager for when he would reach similar heights.

Layton couldn't help but wonder how much more powerful higher practitioners were after all if only a level 2 wizard and martial practitioner could do this much, how much more those powerhouses above level 6, maybe they would be comparable to gods he had read in novels able to play with countless planets and universes at will.

Layton noticed the explosions and sounds of metal clanging seemed to have stopped, he noticed that they had both stopped, Layton was not fully sure of what was going on but he was sure the battle would end after this move.

Layton quickly moved his rune connecting with the spirit layer hoping to watch it from this perspective he had a hunch doing this would benefit him greatly.

In the astral layer the golden lion symbol that represented solace before had now turned into a sun like symbol.

Layton connected his mind to the symbol representing solace and instantaneously his mind was filled with countless information explaining countless light and fire manipulation rules and techniques, because Layton himself was not a wizard with runes that manipulated the said elements so most of the information was garbled and lost, despite this the little he had gained was enough to make him able to cast fire and light elemental spells without the corresponding runes as long as his spirit was strong enough to forcefully control the said elements.

After disconnecting from the sun symbol Layton turned his sights towards the blood red sword, the symbol was there exuding a bloody aura, Layton tried moving closer wanting to connect to it but the bloody aura lingering kept corroding whatever connection he tried to form.

After countless tries Layton was about to give up but then he noticed that the aura was getting stronger and was soon going to overpower the sun symbol while the sun symbol was getting dimmer, Layton wasn't fully sure the consequence of this phenomenon but he could guess it meant things were not going well for Solace in the battle.

Layton fully urged his domineering, the majestic momentum bloomed from him stirring the spirit layer oppressing theblood-redd sword trying to disrupt it while also trying to connect with it.

Solace was panicking right now; he had not expected that Lin Wei had already formed a prototype of his sword move when he was still a level 2 practitioner, in the Wu civilization having your sword technique was a sign that one had already entered the 3rd level, the sword technique was not just any random movement of basic sword moves, no it was a cohesion of the practitioners martial intent and insights of the operation of the world, the sword techniques manipulated the rules of the world itself making it extremely powerful and hard to crack.

Lin Wei's sword move although just a prototype and not able to be fully displayed put an enormous amount of pressure on solace, he had been drawn in the phantom of the bloodstream that had appeared as soon as Lin Wei started to slash.

Solace seemed to be drowning in countless bloody streams of water, it was suffocating him and making him hard to move his spirit forcefully separated into countless pieces perceiving the countless veins and blood vessels that made up his bloodstream, his own blood was against him forcefully restraining his spirit making him do nothing but wait for death.

Solace knew in a matter of seconds the sword would fall ending his life if he didn't force himself out of the move, just as solace was about to give up in despair suddenly the pulling force seemed to be weaker, solace forcefully broke through the technique regaining his senses and finally completely moved the axe forward, using its concentrated power solace forcefully twisted the surrounding space and opened a channel that would lead the axe straight towards Lin Wei.

Instantaneously the axe crossed Lin Wei's fair neck like a hot knife through butter, the head separated from his body and turned to ash leaving the smouldering headless remains falling unto the ground while turning to ash.

Solace body landed on the ground having lost all power for even basic flight, the armour covering his body completely shattered revealing the bloody figure underneath, his body filled with deep countless sword wounds, although solace had broken free from the technique earlier the time he was still affected by it had already caused him various injuries.

Although Solace was badly injured he couldn't help but laugh with joy, the last move he did which twisted space had successfully compressed his spirit sea, although his spirit sea was dry at the moment, a little crystal had been condensed proving he had passed the hurdle and was already being promoted to a level 3 wizard all that was needed now was just sufficient energy to complete the crystallization.

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