170 Luck?

As the singularity which rapidly expanded began to briskly dissipate a pair of hands came out of the gaping darkness that had almost condensed back to a point, the hands held the edge of the hole and then furiously expanded the hole revealing a humanoid body that quickly stepped out of the singularity and into normal space. The figure was naturally Layton, his clothes were torn in multiple places and although he looked intact except for being dishevelled and exhausted the truth was he was not unscathed, no single bone, organ, muscle or vein was intact, in fact, even his brain had turned to mush, he only looked alright because, in his present state, no part of his body was really a fatal point, in the mere seconds he had come out of the singularity his body had already started the healing process, the crushed matter that made up his biological body was being rapidly reorganized and structured according to his information, the otherwise smooth process was taking longer than usual and required more energy as his bio magnetic field turned quickly causing an effect much like a whirlpool to siphon and absorb the numerous free energy that existed in the surrounding layers of space.

The singularity that almost killed him was not a normal one, in fact Layton doubted he could be injured in such a way by a normal black hole, the one condensed by his enemy was one that swallowed information and energy, in a peculiar way the singularity converted matter and space into information and energy and then swallowed it completing the process of devouring in a more efficient manner. Layton’s intense injuries were merely a result of his body fighting that process, if there was a chance for a world master to survive getting sucked into a black hole, being crushed by immense gravity and chaotic space fluctuations then the singularity that Layton encountered was a guaranteed death trap one that would even impede most chances of resurrection the affected individual had been counting on to survive.

Being able to get out of the singularity quickly before it collapsed on itself was why Layton did not suffer more intense injuries and saved himself from the possibility of death, it wasn’t that Layton was scared of death but that he hadn’t really completed his purpose and also if he died in that singularity he wouldn’t be able to send back his insights and information back to the main body, plus it was definitely not safe for him to die like that as his information could be mastered by the enemy who created the singularity and could implicate the main body.
Although the assailant was also swallowed by the singularity and most likely dead Layton was not at ease, he did not believe the ambusher was a mere world master, judging from the indifferent gaze and mechanical feeling the attacker gave off it was very likely that the assailant was merely a pawn and was controlled by another who was most likely an immortal master, although the encounter was very dangerous it wasn’t without its benefits Layton could already feel a clear road towards the immortal rank and the experience he just undergone had cleared up the obstacles to that road.

As Layton floated silently in space digesting the experience and healing himself he saw an individual appear miraculously in front of him, the figure was dark in complexion with bizarre red lines drawn around his body that fit his muscular physique and his pupils seemed to be a cluster of flames, he appeared instantaneously in a way Layton could not clearly understand, although he was still healing his perception had not diminished and he didn’t feel any spatial fluctuations or bizarre energy changes in the area, it was as if the person was already there from the very beginning.

Gazing at the casually dressed individual in front of him the word ‘king’ immediately surfaced in Layton’s mind, Layton had heard rumours of this phenomenon it was one that only appeared in the strongest of immortal rank practitioners it was said to be a recognition by the plane will of their achievements and strength. The difference between a regular immortal and an immortal king was high and was akin to the difference between a god king in a pantheon and other regular deities in the same pantheon.

Judging from his strength Layton knew the probability of him being attacked by such an individual was low but he still kept up the necessary vigilance, even if the chances of him surviving a blow from an immortal king were close to none.

The individual ignored Layton’s gaze and wariness and instead waved his palm at the empty space, time seemed to flow backwards as extremely real projections of the previous battle was replayed down to the very last details even displaying some things Layton hadn’t really noticed before, the projection even went backwards to show the actions of the assailant as he assembled the laser gun to target Layton’s ship and his screams of agony when his mind was taken over.

Clicking his tongue together the immortal king’s voice resounded with a smidge of playfulness as he spoke “I don’t know whether to call you lucky for surviving such an attack or unlucky for having to go through it in the first place.


Congratulations on passing your first test and gaining qualifications to participate in the battleground.”

Those words solved a lot of Layton’s doubts there was definitely a problem with the badge he had gotten and it was very likely it was purposely not protected allowing those with malice towards the battlefield to attack him, the only group of people who would do so were mostly spies from other races and judging from the characteristics of his attacker the assailant was probably controlled by an individual in the mechanical clan.

“Layton right, you can call me Rip, I’m looking forwards to your achievements.” Rip said in a mild tone before continuing, “Looks like your injuries are better, let me take you to the venue.” Rip concluded as he moved without waiting for Layton’s response, Layton felt mortified as he was immediately restricted unable to move or breathe and then the next moment he and Rip vanished from their location.

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