Chapter 177  Rosetta2
Layton's thoughts turned rapidly as he set his palm on the slate deciding on what he was going to imprint. Layton decided to outline a complete and feasible path of practice, it was decidedly similar to the path he was on right now but it was not the same, instead of going towards the micro what he was going to imprint was going to lead towards the macro, the similar but different ways would hopefully allow him to gain some new insights and knowledge he had previously inadvertently missed. As for the reason he didn't want to imprint the path he was on right now, he chose not to for various reasons one was that he liked the challenge of quickly building a new feasible practice path, the second was that he knew the requirements for the way he was currently headed was very steep, it had taken a lot of steps and almost not replicable conditions for him to reach the state he was presently in. the path he was going to imprint was one that would be decidedly easier and achievable by the majority of individuals given enough time and opportunity, with his mind decided and his thought rapidly creating the practice it was quickly reflected on the Rosetta.

A humanoid body emerged seemingly telling a story, it showed a complex diagram of biological magnetic fields and how the slight change of the body reflected in the fields, next the body appeared on a planet the diagram displayed the magnetic field of the planet and the human blended together influencing each other a slight change in one equating to a change in the other until the two melded together eventually becoming one. The next diagram showed the planet using its strengthened fields to influence gravity space and other factors indirectly controlling the nearby planetary bodies creating, forming a new orbit, an orbit made in a certain peculiar manner much like a formation or array, ensuring the planetary bodies magnetic fields melded together strengthening the connection between celestial bodies transmitting beneficial energy fields between them and the core of it all being the original planet the humanoid body was situated, usurping the traditional role of a luminous star in the newly formed star system. The next picture showed the previous phenomena having been strengthened and slowly being transmitted to the entire galaxy nearby with the original planet beings its core and able to control and influence the entire galaxy.

The pictures seemingly simple did not convey information solely based on their appearance, the first picture contained numerous information of how to strengthen and discover ones magnetic field how to use the field to get rid of the restrictions of the body and how to strengthen the body via the field and how one could use said field to influence similar biological bodies, the second drawing contained techniques to make ones bio magnetic field slowly change in frequency and align itself with the environment, controlling and influencing external matter and energy, perceiving the natural magnetic field that existed all around with the end goal being one with the planet, melding ones bio magnetic field with the planets endowing one with the capability of controlling and influencing the target planet, once this was done numerous miraculous means could be achieved such as reading the history of the planet, manipulation of time within the confines of the planet, its gravity, space, light energy fields etc. basically all recorded phenomenon that occurred or could occur within the confines of the target planetary body were within the means that one could achieve. An individual who didn't practice the way Layton laid down could still use the second diagram as a means to comprehend numerous laws that were reflected in the diagram, of course, this was decidedly much more difficult than the straight path he outlined in the Rosetta. The same was mostly true for the other pictures he outlined the major difference being that peculiar phenomena which could only be achieved in a complex star system or galaxy were now achievable, the powers of the previous stages still remained, only becoming stronger in power, effect range and stability. Naturally, the major defect of this path lay in the original planetary body fused with one's magnetic field, once this planet was forcefully destroyed the practitioner would perish alongside it.

Layton naturally couldn't easily create and infer that many powers in such a short period of time, their existence was simply a result of the gains he had achieved by imprinting on the Rosetta, immediately he started imprinting Layton seemed to be trapped in a fast moving illusion, the human in the picture became real and started the journey of cultivating the path outlined, the journey seemed to last for thousands of years but the concrete memories were a fog leaving only small bits and pieces, the illusion was like sand and he was water that went through it, only little parts were retained such as the creation and working of several moves and means that were attached to the creation of the path.

Although his harvest was bountiful there were hardly applicable to his state currently after all the nature of things in the microscopic state differed from the general nature of things in the macroscopic state, this didn't mean his harvest was useless just that it was something that could be easily reflected now and it definitely couldn't be easily transformed into combat power.

Removing his palm from the Rosetta, Layton regained his perception of the outside world and noticed someone was standing behind him, Layton quickly guessed the time based on a simulated biological clock and he was sure only about 2 seconds had passed while he used the Rosetta, turning around Layton decided to take a good look at the figure that seemed to blur his perception, in his perception the figure was a hooded one and he somehow wasn't able to deduce or perceive if it was male or female not to talk of trying to figure out the person's stature or facial features. When his eyes gazed upon the figure it seemed like a puzzle piece had fit together, the fog lifted and he clearly recognized the figure was Zero.

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