In a spacious room void of any furniture a small floating ball filled with obscure runes, the runes seemed to change every second and if one observes closely one would find that the same rune hardly appears twice.

Layton tried memorizing the runes that were displayed on the ball but he just ended up getting himself dizzy, there was an inexplicable aura that prevented anyone from remembering anything about the runes even a level 3 wizard-like solace could hardly remember anything.

"so what is this." Layton asked while turning his gaze towards the golden armoured figure that stood next to him. the figure in golden armour was Solace.

It turned out his promotion was taking far longer than he thought so he had activated the spell that would allow him to create the golden armour he had used in the fight against Lin Wei as a sort of crutch.

The armour apart from keeping and compressing his elemental particles also reduced his attraction to the nearby space so Solace was finally able to calmly move around the tower without opening a random wormhole or space crack in the surroundings.

"That is a portable dimensional eroder, I got it as part of the benefits of joining the council also the fact that you are a pseudo wizard seed also helped in me getting it." Solace stated while his golden pupils kept staring at the portable eroder, owning his eroder has been solace's goal for a while, although he still couldn't use it arbitrarily, the mere fact that he didn't have to travel through countless planes to use the eroder at some certified wizard school or the headquarters served as bragging capital.

"As a test, you will have to use the eroder to travel to an alienated outer plane…" solace continued after reluctantly removing his gaze from the eroder.

"Wait what does that mean? "Layton couldn't help but interrupt and ask, his intuition telling him it was an important piece of information that solace might forget to explain.

"Oh I forgot they don't keep that information in the books anymore, there are different types of outer planes but for your level, there are only two types of planes you need to know, the first type is the anchored outer plane, this plane is stable almost no changes or accidents in the plotline the fate witch perceives and any approved person can enter and leave at will, the other is the alienated plane, this plane has been distorted, so whatever information about the plotline that a fate which has perceived is not to be trusted at all, because the changes in the plane will be beyond imagination so most of the time only some clues will be sent to the participants and no plotline will be made known, and once sent in you can't come out unless you achieve some special conditions, or you return the plane to what it's supposed to look like. Basically, as a wizard seed, you will be sent into alienated outer planes, every successful trip will allow you to gain rare knowledge that could not be previously accessed in a stable anchored plane." Solace explained while manipulating the ball and inputting some weird instructions into the eroder, it seemed solace was about to activate it and send Layton well on his way.

Layton seeing this quickly asked "How exactly does the plane get distorted?" Trying to ask the important questions before he was sent away by Solace.

"Well it could be anything, it could be a piece of knowledge, a random strand of energy or a piece of equipment that randomly descended on the plane. What is common is that whatever causes the distortion is from a high-level creature whose power level is way above the original plane's own. But don't worry this is just a trial although there is the possibility of death in the plane it shouldn't bother you much, after all, you are still apprentices so the power level of the plane won't be that high. Well looks like the test is starting better be on your way." Solace shrugged while grabbing the nervous Layton and pushing him into the circle of light that the dimensional eroder had created.

Layton who was thrown in didn't feel any different it seemed like he had come in with his body, he was still dressed in his blank leather pants and white robe which was fashioned more like a windbreaker.

Layton looked around and found 2 other people had come in with him, there was a little child with short blood-red hair and sharp fangs hanging from his gums, the child had ruby red eyes that seemed to twinkle with mischief and arrogance and his skin was abnormally pale but had an absurd beauty to it.

Layton seeing him was a little bit lost, then he remembered that some wizards made modifications to their bodies to better use their runes and that similarly some wizards who had special bloodlines that had been activated also seemed inhuman and had special changes in their looks.

Layton turned his gaze from the boy he felt should have something to do with vampires and look towards his second companion, the second figure was tightly covered in a blue robe that concealed its identity making it hard to discern the figures face or gender, only a piece of blond hair and the fair chin showed the figures human identity.

As Layton was observing his companions they were also observing him, after all, they were going to enter this plane together and they might need each other's help to survive the test. Without giving them a chance to communicate a voice rang through the blank white void they were all floating in.

"earth, fire, water, wind, the cycle of elements begins anew, with the incarnation of the elements born in every cycle to keep the world in balance."

And with that inexplicable passage, the three wizards turned into particles starting their arduous journey.

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