The night was deadly quiet as opposed to the chaos that occurred there a minute ago as a result of the battle.

Burn marks were everywhere and some places on the mountain still had little embers of flames struggling in the wind not wanting to be put out.

The old man still stood in the yard gazing into the darkness that enveloped the night, his hair beard and clothes were still spotless as if he had not been through a battle right now. He was still waiting although the night was quiet and all visible invaders destroyed, the old man was still sure there was an invisible threat looming in the dark.

He still remembered the secret records in the white lotus library that he had browsed through, As the president of the society, he needed to understand all known records and in all the plane the white lotus had the most complete records containing various obscure secrets, after all, they were survivors of the previous civilization.

According to the records although most low-level spirit creatures were manic unintelligent and longed for human flesh they would normally not attack in such large numbers and although they could not be killed by normal bending attacks, they could be repulsed after a normal fight, but the previous attack had been by various numerous low-level creatures and no matter how hard the previous bender tried they were not repulsed, seeing this he had to resort to using spirit energy to destroy all the manic creatures.

But he could still feel the threat looming in the background, after waiting patiently for some minutes the night seemed to become colder, as an accomplished fire bending grandmaster he was very sensitive to the temperature, he quickly locked on to the source of the disturbance and found a white tiger a few meters away looking at him with unabashed killing intent in its eyes. Roh's calm face finally changed upon seeing the creature if not for feeling the difference in the temperature he would not have noticed the existence of the creature at all, he burst into a cold sweat thinking of the consequence of the creature bypassing him and attacking the base behind him.

Thinking of the history of the mountain which the white lotus was located he concluded the creature was once the patron saint of the mountain.

Spirit creatures weren't just monsters that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, they were related to the material world, according to ancient texts every creature piece of land or plant had its own spirit, even normal human thoughts under certain conditions had its own spirit and this spirit is manifested in the spirit plane forming a creature, some particular spirits were created as a result of the culture of a certain tribe or legend surrounding certain locations and the white tiger that seemed to exude cold reminded Roh of the ancient legend concerning the mountains, although most of the story of the legend had been lost due to time Roh distinctly remembers that a tribe of warriors had lived on the mountain tops, they were wiped out by the surrounding tribes who had joined hands to persecute them.

It was rumoured that the night of the cannibal's extermination all tribes who had participated in the siege were destroyed leaving only a snowy landscape with tiger prints in the scene, the totem of the warrior tribe was a white tiger.

A profound sense of danger roused Roh out of his thoughts, the tiger had disappeared but Roh was still sure it was around, snowflakes started descending from the heavens and in a matter of seconds the whole area of the mountains was filled with snow.

Roh started his special breathing technique that made it easier for him to mobilize spirit energy and soon enough his eyes glowed blue, with his every breath flames emerged around him melting the snow and decapitating the death-like chill that enveloped the area.

An anger filled roar resounded through the air and soon a giant tiger appeared in the air above striking downward with its sharp claws bringing with it an icy air as it did so. Roh raised his palms once again summoning a flaming wall to block the attack, but the claw ignored the flames cutting through it easily and heading for him. quickly using the flames to propel himself out of the way he managed to escape the attack but he was still hit his robe torn into pieces revealing a well-toned body that was hidden underneath, the bronzed body was filled with various scars, and burn marks and a new bloody claw-shaped wound across his chest was added to the collection of medals that decorated his body.

The tiger soon dissipated again into a snowstorm enveloping the area, Roh watched all this quietly trying to think of a solution, he could feel the peculiar force in the snow eroding his vitality, he stomped on the ground making an inferno trying to disperse the snowstorm but instead of dispersing the storm increased and the flames were dying out, he kept punching out creating plumes of flames turning them into dragons, he manipulated them turning them in the air around him while increasing their speed trying to create a flaming tornado but the snow was just getting colder and the flames died down, even the inferno around him protecting him from the snowflakes was dying out soon claw scratches appeared in his body the snowflakes having turned sharp, with every flake leaving a tiny bloody mark on his body, soon he was forced out of his state his eyes no longer glowing, blood seeping out of all his pores.

"Cough, Cough I didn't expect to be so unlucky encountering a spirit creature that just perfectly restrains me," Roh said with a smile hanging on his lips with every cough blood was ejected out of his mouth, the blood soon losing its colour and heat in second as soon it was exposed to the air.

The snowstorm contracted leaving the surroundings forming a circular ball of frost and snow around Roh's injured body, Roh closed his eyes as if awaiting death 'they should have evacuated the base already, I can finally stop worrying about those brats, a vacation would be nice.' The 90-year-old man thought with a smile on his pale wrinkled face, as soon as all parts of the storm constricted around his failing body the smiling old man suddenly laughed and with a shout put his palm on the cold brittle floor, with a bang a burst of magma erupted from the mountain, transforming the mountain into an erupting unstable volcano.

Magma and grey ash filled the whole area in a matter of seconds destroying everything in sight.

Even the compound behind which seemed to be the base of the white lotus was not spared.

A few miles away the members of the white lotus who were already down the mountain watched the new erupting volcano with tears in their eyes and sobs in their throats.

They watched as the mountain was riddled with holes, magma flowing out of it volcanic ash filling the sky and the mountain slowly crumbling.

The destruction affected the surrounding area for miles and caused earthquakes, the older experienced members quickly got a hold of themselves and ordered all members to board the airships parked below, the airship soon left the ground with its gloomy and silent passengers leaving the slowly crumbling mountain range behind.

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